DVP was top geared...and always full buffs
and still partial pvps
anyway,a proof of what i said
one time i made a PVP video of my server(where i was playing)where i had medium gear and i was like the top player
i recorded many things,even vs3 vs 5 ,but i never putted them in the video,cause they were non factors 2/3 hit ppl
i enjoyed though putting battles vs top players of that
One day,one non factor,made a video where he was raping some noobs,most times easily
One pvp was vs me,where i had him like 6-1 at 1v1 pvps
so,my conclusion is,that EVERYBODY has his good moments...and his bad moments
but all post ONLY their good
(btw i think i know how he did this bug at DEX ;d)