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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. ι iz betta Adena
  2. a noob tard
  3. Σοβαρα,εκτελεση της Java στα 2 μετρα
  4. Ενα ακομα προβατο λολ
  5. Oιμε... δεξι click διαγραφη/delete μετα στο επομενο παραθυρακι πατα ΝΑΙ
  6. Welcome,but i don't know... i just don't like newcomers that become VIP immediately
  7. Admit that u saks btw Pwnz0r who cares if u spam in ur topic..1 post
  8. Spam Topics 456 Spam Topics 551 Spam Topics 1212 Spam Topics 1029 Spam Topics 5978 Page:855 not
  9. Νοt really u don't know the quality of what we are talking about... and word SPAM isn't allowed chat=talking=spam
  10. Seriously now,u consider urselfs spammers?You will never reach GOST's level Pro RO team spam spam we spam we are the best we spam yeah romania ftw spam
  11. lol go at EN a sec
  12. This worked in 50% of C3 Java servers Doesn't work in newer chronicles
  13. Reptant_


    Enough he had enough chances
  14. no way
  15. EN saks only GR
  16. Frix peaks
  17. Seriously now what is going with my Graphic card what is real
  18. +STR : Critical damage μετα το gracia +DEX: Critical rate
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=186210.0 2 οf them
  20. What's the reason of reporting him if u gave him -1? if u want him banned u wouldn't dekarma him
  21. Ωχ θεε μου.... τεσπα,εσυ πιστευεις οτι αν διαγραψουμε παλια topic θα ξεκολησει; Οντως εχει ενα ψιλο lag,αλλα σιγουρα δεν ειναι αυτη η λυση καθε forum εχει την ιστορια του,και αυτο την δικια του μαλιστα αν διαβασεις παλια topic ειναι πολυ ενδιαφερον
  22. Σοβαρα τωρα,απο τον Mafia αξιζε ο Ken Abigail ,τουλαχιστον στην αρχη μετα ανακαλυψαμε bugs και αντε γεια σας...παντως ειχε πραγματικα ΠΟΛΥ ΚΑΛΟ balance
  23. Hey Archer isn't that easy class.You have to know how to play in order to be a good player in a balanced server(run,keep in max range etc,good stun use) imo easy class is tank,Most noobs make a tank in order not to die..so >< but still for a L2newbie(easy characters) i would suggest Archer(in IL) Tank or Necro at GE ( i don't mention bot classes,like SWS that Billistain wants to play,petbuff) Now hard classes.All classes need proper gameplay Sure,one of the most difficult is bishop,cause u have to make a whole party survive,ESPECIALLY in a server w/o mana potions Many users play dagger...but unsuccesfully with good knowledge a dagger class becomes OP,but most times noobs fck it
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