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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. yeah
  2. 30 seconds aks
  3. Yeah...isn't it better? btw MaxCheaters lags more since Coyote became moderator again?i didn't have that lags since he was demoted T_T
  4. size 11 and it rocks also a [center ] infront of all
  5. Sigs chance in 1 second and u have many times to change them....
  6. Also , use color deepskyblue it rocks
  7. Finally,will u buy vip status?
  8. Fix ur sign btw group signatures bit saks
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=79663;sa=showPosts
  10. Ι try to buy a better sign than urs
  11. http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Hardware/CPU/Intel-Core-I7-950-s1366-3-06GHz-8MB-Box.htm http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Hardware/PC-Cases/CoolerMaster-Black-RC-333-KKN1-GP.htm http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Hardware/PSU/Premier-EPS-Series-600W-PR600EPS-%CE%92-PSU-PR600EPS.htm http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Hardware/CPU-Coolers/Nexus-Lga-1366-775-LOW-7000.htm http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Hardware/Motherboards/Foxconn-Renaissance-2-1366-X58-Ddr3-020F1664AXJ-03.htm http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Hardware/RAM/Corsair-Ddr3-4Gb-Kit-TW3X4G1600C9DHX.htm x1 or 2 http://www.plaisio.gr/Computers/Hardware/SVGA/Asus-5750-SVGA-1GB-90-C1CNP0-L0UAY00Z.htm Hard disk..don't know anyway,i may be wrong in some things,that's my recommendation w/o hard disk and other things,and with x2ram it's ~670 euro
  12. Tip one:Buy a i7 4core proccesor or an i5.Surely worths it's money this will cost you about 200+ euro Atleast 4 GB RAM with 1600 mh or more a GIGABYTE motherboard,that supports all them about graphics cards,don't know exactly but an ATI of 5500 or more(?)
  13. I keep vahalla acumen too ;) also i buy avadon..
  14. xaxa
  15. Το δοκιμασα και InterludeL2Off (σχεδον σε ολους τους mid rate) και epilogue Και τα drain εχουν elemental και στο interlude νομιζω
  16. Why did u all sakers went to staff section?
  17. no way,my love
  18. Yeap pro ISP
  19. Coyote >_>
  20. Coyote >_>
  21. Παλια επαιζα L2Mafia,αλλα καταλαβα στο τελος οτι αν ειναι να δωσεις 10.000 ευρω για donate καλυτερα dominiοn no lag + gm skills
  22. Hey i found new bitch to spam his inbox?;D
  23. among with grisom's ones?
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