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Everything posted by sandpants

  1. It was a hypothetical example, unrelated to the video. I got tired watching 2 collection of pixels slapping each other like little girls and stopped about 1 minute in. But props for mentioning something my grandma could do - stop clicking on attack when character A has buff B at time T. It is not skill, it is "*yawn* I got plenty of time left, I will click this skill, and my enemy will stop attacking." It is also called Common Sense; the opposite of common sense is not unskilled/bad at game/underpowered class/overpowered class. The opposite of common sense is stupid. So, it isn't "calls tactic". It's just a thing everyone would do because doing otherwise is dumb. You can call it whatever you want, defending your opinion. But whatever is happening in the video is boring. Not because of the collection of skills or content, but because it is very drawn out - it is too long.
  2. You are implying that you will present something I haven't seen before. But you won't - you clearly state in your first post the only thing you are asking for is rates. You made a freaking poll for it. You also say that people get bored without GM events. :poker face: You imply that a server will succeed if there are no donations. THEN you suggest that to run the first server you will make ANOTHER server WITH donations. :you serious?: So you will have servers competing with one another? On the same network? What will make people play on the second server AND donate? So you make topic with such content, and then say that my posts are crap. :not bad: Before you issue warnings, sort out YOUR OWN nonsense. You are making a joke out of yourself for someone who is considering opening a server. I reply with the same thing because it is a genuine PROBLEM. You gonna report me to a moderator for a discussion? Go ahead.
  3. ... so that makes a good server? Or better yet, the mystical badass files? Are people still so blind?
  4. Longer PvP time forgives mistakes and accounts for randomness in skill success and random damage. It is in no way more skillful. Quite the opposite, you simply spam attack skills in attempt to out DPS your opponent, except for particular moments when you need to use special skills. These are typically assigned to certain time/Hp/situation threshold by the player through experience, which is a measure of "skill", and is transferable to slow or fast PvP. But slower PvP makes it less frantic and easier to prepare for those times/HP count/Situations = less "skill", more AFK and BOT PvP. That IS way too slow no matter what argument you use. Daggers were shadowstep+backstab how many chronicles ago? Mages were 2-3 skills how many updates ago? Doesn't work anymore. Almost every class has barrier/UD/mitigation skills. The measure of a skilled player is directly attributed to how fast one can react to a dynamically changing PvP. TL;DR Using a barrier when you see an animation of a high power attack IS SKILL. Using barrier to run away from a player cos you ran out of your specials and the PvP is 5 minutes long is NOT skill. With how long PvP goes on in that video, it is gonna tend towards the last example.
  5. How are you going to make it internationally known? By offering a server without donations? Get real. People keep making polls about rates. Really? Give me a good server, 1x or 2000x and I will play regardless. If 2000x dies in 1 month it's admin/dev fault. Get a better dev, think of better concept. Useless poll. Badass files won't make you a good server.
  6. I was planning on making a "high rate", more specifically a PvP starting with end game with moderate rates. People argue that on those kinds of servers there is nothing to do. I figured these elements would a more personal side to the server. At the end of the day farming is just to extend game time and it's annoying because it drags you on and on. The idea was that assets would essentially allow the player to buy parts of you server infrastructure. Gatekeeper services, private shops; the information gathering was sounded more subtle than it should, i'd like to clarify that it is a system which reports to the clan of boss spawns, and additionally a random player outside of it. The random element is to imitate a leak. Players then have to deal with the leak. A mercenary system rotating on contracts was also considered. But that tied deep into the event system I had planned. So i'll keep that close to myself for now :P
  7. Assets. Something clans can own, comparable to castles/halls/forts, but gain something through interaction with players outside of clan. Example - shopping square - all private shops in town get a flat a-beep-t of arena added to cost. This adena is added to the clans wh when pruchases are made. Another - information gathering - clan received info about boss spawns, a random non clan member does too. The clan may bribe this player to not disclose boss spawns and keep bosses to them selves Clans can bid on these with some form of currency. You may tie these in with castle - say castle seiges are on Saturdays, asset bids end Sunday. Siege winner may receive all money bid on the multiple assets by other clans. This gives weight to play politics, interaction, logistics and choices. It also finally gives incentive tosiege unlike the typical hysterical castlecirclet and their 5% state boosts so they don't "become open lulz" Shty tablet autocorrect
  8. You racist or something? Or are you so butthurt about something? Why do you condemn a whole nation for having bad servers? This whole section is full servers that wipe that much, not just Greek. Kids admins will be kid admins. But kid haters will be just kids. It's way past your bed time and you are on the internet - really.
  9. Loads of new updates scheduled next week (29th January) New weapon system - more intuitive ADS recoil handling and spread ESL Versus integration - the first and strongest feature to introduce the game to a competitive environment New weapons and stuff to blow other people with. New maps. Note: I'm not pulling stuff out of my butt when I recommend this game. It is immense in potential. Freaking Black Ops 2 copied half the game. This isn't a re-release of the same game every once a year like CoD or Battlefield. It is one of a kind beast.
  10. Now that the private server section is VERY SLOWLY coming out of copy paste mentality, with new servers like L2Wicca, L2Aurora and L2zombies, how much longer would private servers still be demanded for? 1-2 years? Are you willing to stick around for that much longer?
  11. Midnex did do a good job on some innovative features on L2 Gallo. I don't wanna be a bitch, but consider giving him some credit somewhere in a small corner of your server.
  12. ...so? If PvP server max enchant +20 is good? Developers these days... They KNOW that skill damage and magical damage doesn't scale linearly and conclude that +20 is a good idea. No, actually they don't know anything.
  13. 3 year old thread - still people who play interlude quack like ducks that interlude l2j is bad. Fkn wake up idiots. Stable or unstable - L2j is practically limitless for REAL developers not you kids and kid admins who ask to change config file. L2Off is there for you to touch yourself and the pretty retail you like so much. And then quit in 3 months. And to take your money. Some minor bug with 7 dmg on raid bosses on lolterlude on some random server means L2j is bad?
  14. I want a pvp server. Not like that. PvP =/= free stuff. I just want a server where you don't have to level or farm. Localized enchants. Fast pace no stupid 200 dmg mages and 4k from tanks. No typical TvT events. No mobs only raid bosses. 1 alive at one time. Event winners get location. Losers may follow and ninja if they can. But no one is gonna do it cos why when 1a per item is simpler. No one will play PvP servers where you spend 1 hour to buy/enchant stuff and then realize Pvp is crap. Thats not a PvP server. So IMO don't ask if people will want a PvP server. No one will tell you yes cos everyone knows how typical PvP servers look like. Yours doesn't look any different - played servers like that 20 times now. Not interested.
  15. Not convinced it will be balanced, though balance is a matter of perspective. I have however played on your other server, and was fairly impressed with some innovative features you included (chat based party invite through [?], pet related travel, offline exp, various item AI and handlers). I hope your skills will get you your well deserved acknowledgement. Good Luck.
  16. Meh, lore. I'd read a book or actually play a lore game. Though, I do hope you will apply your skills and make an intuitive PvP server. Good luck.
  17. Nothing unique. For all law cares, you should be sued for advertising false product. It for sure is not so serious topic/subject, but if I had the power to give you bad reputation - I would. Perhaps it would discourage you and the rest of little children to copy/paste servers.
  18. Once you are end game, leveling is probably the last thing on your mind. You (as a player) did all the quests, you met people, you solo pvped a bunch of times. What stops you from leaving? How relevant and significant is end game? Is there anything you can own with the risk of it being taken away? Any thrill of defeating someone where the agenda turns out to be something big? (securing land to prepare for sieges, capturing points for resources to afford powerful benefits?) It may sound out of the ordinary L2, but you have to admit, that eventually, people won't be playing your server for things like quests and enjoyable lvling, they will pass it - farmers will pass it in 3 days or so. If they get ahead of everyone else, they won't have anything to do for a while. You might lose their interest. Good luck.
  19. So, all you did was add some gear and armor and called it new style? Fk... Same thing as 100 other server. High rates +farm for some special coins, then realize that balance is shit cos you put random numbers on custom items +fullbuffs. Nope.
  20. V1 Imo, sharper, more detail, and nicer colours.
  21. Eat food - get some health back. Long hit time. It's not like food can be eaten in a jiffy. Healing can even happen over time.
  22. Don't make usual skills though. How much of this is going to be survival rather than just hack and slash?
  23. That's a bad emphasis. Straight off the bat, you are limiting yourself. Private servers are dead BECAUSE the standard model to which most are accustomed too is failing. And you are just playing along with it. Do yourself and everyone a favor - if you think you have the means to do something unique give us the general picture, and ask for advice concerning minor details, but do the big thing yourself from your ideas. If all you are doing is giving people the opportunity to "choose" it's just going to turn out the same "ordinary server" you are claiming this won't be. The aces up your sleeve you are talking about - this is what you should have started this topic with. Get the interest right from the start. Not with hypothetical hope. Sorry, but those reassuring words have been used many times, and frankly the audience that gets convinced by them are also the same people that bring your server down later on when they get disappointed through flames, rumors and generic bad mouthing. Don't do it like that - leaving us hanging. Spill out or don't mention a thing till you are ready to get our attention for good.
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