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Everything posted by mqxxou

  1. Link here: https://parsiusti.lt/files/26DCVZN7/Patch_By_Eddy_v4.5.7.rar.html
  2. Hello, i want to share this tool for L2J servers Not my work, It was made by tReXpert It's a tool for make multisell. You can: - drag and drop items - choose how many items needed for - save and more.. Some screens: Virus Total: Virus Total Link: [Hidden Content]
  3. Let's try :) thx !
  4. Hello community, i want to know if someone have the files of this topic : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/151344-l2impulse-server-files-source-sql/ ? I have found a pack here, but in my country don't work, if someone can download for me, i'll be able to pay via paypal. link: http://chomikuj.pl/ronnin5/L2J+Serwer+Pack/l2impulse_Source,3365900833.rar(archive) Thanks a lot :)
  5. Thanks for this ! no npc buffer, or npc vote :'( .menu doesnt works
  6. Thank you !! Really great NPC for SA !!
  7. Thank you, i hope is simple tool ^^
  8. Nice, thank you, great share ! I'll try it.
  9. Nice but for buffer, it's better to add a Fighter package and Mage Package :p Thank you!
  10. Nice GK, i'll share another GK soon. Thank you for share !
  11. Good share but Aion is Aion.. L2 is L2.. Better to create new weapon :p Thank you ^^
  12. Nice , very very nice ! Thank you very much !
  13. Thank you , i download it and try it on my live .
  14. I use this guide for my mod , very usefull thank's !
  15. Hi, i want to post the sources of an old sources server files for Warhammer Online. Actually, the project is not Open source, so it's so long for the developpers, and they don't want to share sources of the project (new project, troll emu) So long for one or two dev for make a complete playable server.. take looooooooooooooooooooong time. The actual project is on www.waremu.fr (multilanguage forum) So, if someone can do something with this ... and make a project Open Source, all the warhammer emulation community will be motivated : http://rapidshare.com/files/312368106/Warhammer_Online_-_Source___Unpacked_by_Wrath_of_Reckoning_.zip Bye
  16. I think if this mod is only for new user (just level 1) , that reduce CE possibility.. I hope that can be funny but only for the "first step" on a server.. I don't know how you see that , but for me, if on connection, all the times, i have firework and action.... i become crazy :p Good share ! Thank you
  17. Hi, this is a compiled Server L2EMU Rev 2700 Download : http://depositfiles.com/files/920lupadq
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