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Everything posted by Face

  1. very bad server lots of bugs 1 year trying to fix enchant rates gm shops etc ! - rep dont even bother to join
  2. after one month in this server i realise waste of my time ! skills dont work properly and stucks all the time even graphics are stucking ! i dont recomend it ! even for testing you can even test nothing cause almost the 85% of the server doesnt work right! very bad server
  4. Looking for pvp /mid server From Goddess of Destruction until helios good sever not a fail one with at least 300 + ppl online!
      • 1
      • Haha
  5. welc
  6. παντως εγω σαν Official Player ειμαι υπερ του Salvation , και υπαρχουν πολλοι που ψαχνουν ενα Φρεε σαν Salvation για να δοκιμασουν τους Chars ειτε να Ξεχαστουν απο την ρουτινα του official γιατι πιστεψε με ο Official Δεν ειναι και τοσο Easy Στο να κανεις Setup Εναν χαρακτηρα απαιτει πολλα ευρω και χρονο. Μακαρι να υπηρχε ελληνικος σερβερ σε Salvation patch θα ητανε ωραιο εγω προσωπικα ψαχνω εναν Prive αλλα απο Grand Crusader και πανω. γενικα οσοι δεν εχουνε ψαχτει Se salvation η δεν εχουνε παιξει , το l2 παει σε αλλο lvl και δεν μιλαμε για dmg 7k μιλαμε για dmg 100k και 200κ ωραιο το post σου φιλε μου και ευχομαι πολλοι να το δουν αλλιως και να ξεκινησουν να ασχοληθουν πανω σε αυτο το προτζεκτ
  7. like all the rest games on mobile! faileds
  8. WTT Bloody Slasher +12 3 SA Death 5 lv / Might 5lv / Tyrr third SA For 7s Talisman Server NAIA pm here
  9. l2 Ncsoft 102-105 1 year xD full boost ! full farm 2-4h per day gl ! not sickness ! if want to see sickness just log and check how the rmt is going there as hell!
  10. i agree i have chars in core and west why should i spend my time for x1 rates??? and also you dont need to pay to win you can farm like all servers !
  11. True with friend above ! Classic Better ! and if you dont have idea how they are working its easy ! Go 2 months play as gamer and after try to open your own project
  12. try to log now 3 ppl online ! this server is so bad
  13. wit , str for oly con
  14. WTS Adena 6 Euro per Bill , 30 bill on Stock left, Accept only paypal! pm here for more info!!! WTS ISS Hiero 102 with Mystic Immunity dual othell ghost hunter 101 exalted lv 3 All factions lvl 5 ++ Hunter Faction lv 3 Radiant Brooch obsidian 4/ diamond 4 / ruby 4 / garnet 3 / opal 3 / red cat eye 3 / pearl 3 Shiny Shirt +10 Dyes Con +15 Dyes Othell +15 Dex (SOLD)
  15. you can try panda antivirus as well
  16. Looking for Helios or Grand Crusader private servers Low or High!
  17. As tittle Said wtb power leveling at l2 official server Naia I am ISS 97 and i want to go 99 ! I need Prices for 98 and 99 lvl's ! Post here or pm! ty Most buy with Adena in game !
  18. WTS Othell 87 20 Euro Naia Server WTS Tank 86 20 Euro Naia Server (Sold) Paypal/Paysafe Also Trade For adena in game
  19. Failed Server one week 300 online
  20. Epic Boss Information: Antharas 72+2 Hours Valakas 192+6 Hours Baium 48+2 Hours Zaken 40+1 Hours Ant Queen 24+1 Hours Orfen 20+4 Hours Core 33+1 Hours Frintezza 48+2 Hours you should think to make baium 72 H Zaken 48 h Antharas 72h
  21. Very good Futures ! GL with your Server
  22. Καλησπερα εχω κατεβασει το L2Tower και προσπαθω να το Usarw αλλα στην αρχη μου ζηταει Licence! παω στο Site του l2tower για να κανω register account και εχω το εξης προβλημα Please answer the question below to the best of your knowledge. This process further prevents automated signups. Name the currency in the world of lineage 2 Ποιο ειναι το σωστο ονομα? σε αυτην την ερωτηση? γιατι χωρις αυτο δεν μπορω να προχωρησω παραπερα !!
  23. Server is failed! No forum no ppl lot of lag! lot of stucked Quests lot of bugs! admin/gm support not online!
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