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Everything posted by Face

  1. ok ty for info
  2. how much online ppl you had in the last wipe?
  3. bad server lot of problems still exist!! 3 times server was off today , in one week server will die
  4. No Gm Community , No International Language , Everybody Speaks with their Language and we dont understang nothing !! I ask something in forum of mid and admin answer 'Not Now...' i ask a very important Question and he said that? omg!!! What admin does that?? No info about donation list! Lots of criticals errors , lag a lot!! Lot's of my members Cant Create Account!! Shops are very expensive to buy C/B Grade Stuff!! Problems with donate via paypal! My Clan already Stop playing there ! Good Luck!! there is non-english section and none write there! Forum is a mess all write in their language in all section omg!!
  5. Can you post A Donation List ? or There is no donation?? And also the will be a Vip which Increase Xp /Sp /adena rate or something?? I Can Say for sure that Features is very good and i hope your Server will have Full Success and Lot of Players Me and my Clan will be in at 1h November! thats for true! Gratz for your work!
  6. very high echant rates :/ for x25 server
  7. Face

    interlude [L2J] L2 Neo

    2 Days left for the grand opening ! Join now !! More info you will find here : Site : www.l2neo.com Forum: www.l2neo.com/forum Also you can participate to our event with great rewards! dont miss it ,More info at forum!!!
  8. Face

    interlude [L2J] L2 Neo

  9. Face

    interlude [L2J] L2 Neo

    Fix List : 1. Fixed skills change power. 2. Added some items to gmshop. 3. AQ zone for now >49lvl, and pvp zone near river. 4. CHANGE: Every day shows olympiad rankings TOP! 5. Fixed: MYSTIC IMUNITY skill. 6. For now prohibited Block Buff in olympiad. 7. Added level of containment area, near ZAKEN Tongue. 8. Added to donate 4lvl buff book. 9. Heal, Res skill fixed near baium.
  10. Face


    http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/184136-l2j-l2neo/ Lock and delete topic One moderetator there is same Topic with Me for this !!!
  11. l2Blaze/l2Neo Και κυριως αμα ψαξεις θα βρεις αναλογα τι Client θες να παιξεις κυριως!
  12. Face

    interlude [L2J] L2 Neo

    Gm Shop Only B Grade!!! A,S Grade Armors Weapons You Can Craft it!
  13. WWW.L2NEO.COM Server security from bots (L2Walker, L2Net, L2Tower, etc) provides LameGuard. Security from all kinds of ddos attacks provides HyperFilter.COM Server rates: Xp / Sp - 120x Aden - 60x Drop - 35x Spoil - 35x Quest Reward - 3x (Not for all) Quest Drop - 10x (Not for all) Raidboss Drop - 7x Rate party XP - 1.3x Zero our Reward - 2x Olympiad: Olympiad Starts 18:00 (+3 GMT) Olympiad Ends: 24:00 (+3 GMT) Hero Changes: Every Sunday 24:00 (+3 GMT) Olympiad points have to be exchanged on Sunday Hero Status can be retrieved from Monument of Heroes Enchantment Rates: Max Enchant (Weapon / Armor): +16 Max Enchant (Jewelery): +8 Safe Enchant: +4 Simple Scroll: 55% Blessed Scroll: 60% Augmentation chance: NG Skill Chance: 0% Mid Skill Chance: 5% Hight Skill Chance: 10% Top Skill Chance 15% Grand Boss Respawn Time: Valakas: 168 +3 Antharas: 120 +2 Baium: 96 +1 Frintezza: 72 +1 Zaken: 48 +1 Queen Ant: 36 +1 Core: 36 +1 Orfen: 24 +1 Barakiel: 6 +1 Simple Raidboss: 12 +2 Additional Information: 22 Buff Slots + 4 debuff Buff Time 2 hours Class Change 1- Free | 2- Free | 3- Free Free SubClass Change Fully working RaidBosses/GrandBosses Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in GM Shop. Global Olympiad Auto Learn Skills Scheme buffer Ideally balanced classes (accomplished in Olympiad environment) Pvp Zone: Antharas, Baium, Valakas. Near Frintezza NPC - PVP zone. Added newest geodata. Twitch stream 24/7 WWW.L2NEO.COM
  14. It‘s been almost 1 month from our second seasons start. Site: www.l2neo.com Forum: www.L2neo/forum L2NEO MANGUS X75 INFORMATION: Server rates: Xp - 75x Sp - 75x Aden - 50x Drop - 25x Spoil - 25x Quest Reward - 10x Quest Drop - 5x Raidboss Drop - 5x Zero our Reward - 2x Olympiad: Olympiad Starts 18:00 (GMT+2) Olympiad Ends: 24:00 (GMT+2) Hero change every Sunday! Olympiad points have to be exchanged on Sunday Hero Status can be retrieved from Monument of Heroes Enchantment Rates: Max Enchant: +16 Safe Enchant: +4 Simple Scroll: 50% Blessed Scroll: 55% Crystal Scroll: 55% Grand Boss Respawn Time: Valakas: 192 +4 Antharas: 72 +2 Baium: 72 +2 Frintezza: 48 +2 Zaken: 36 +2 Queen Ant: 24 +2 Core: 24 +2 Orfen: 18 +2 Barakiel: 5 +1 Additional Information: 24 Buff Slots + 4 debuff Buff Time 2 hours Class Change 1-25k | 2-100k | 3-1kk Fully working RaidBosses/GrandBosses Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in GM Shop. Global Olympiad Auto Learn Skills Scheme buffer Ideally balanced classes (accomplished in Olympiad environment) we waitting all of you to join and test our server!
  15. ok guys i sell my accounts on this games browsers Ikariam: Server E My Account contains 7 Cities Points 393000 levels:25,25,23,18,18,16,13 Euro 50 Bloodmoon Account Contains : Level 107 BloodStones :18 Full Donator Euro 60 i work only with bank account's! I don't have paypal or Psc!! waitting for offers!! thnx
  16. very nice the Counterstrike: Global Offensive But like CS 1.6 nothing!!
  17. It's more better than Dota!! and i am new! i am playing in EU Nordic and East
  18. ευχαριστω για την ενημερωση!!!
  19. ισχυει πλεον οτι στον Official δεν πληρωνουμε??? επειδη εχω σταματησει 2 χρονια το λ2 και σκεφτομαι να ξαναρχισω ακουσα οτι στον official πλεον παιζεις free ισχυει κατι τετοιο???
  20. better +16!! Very nice work mate good luck it's very good server keep going!!!
  21. very good share i like this npc!!
  22. Good luck bro!!!
  23. welcome
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