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Everything posted by GhostBuster-*

  1. what about stats of customs?Are they star wars like stats?any info on how many on?
  2. It's ok,then this go to the owner :P
  3. That's nice to hear, x15-20 rates mid rate would be more attractive,and with a good advertise community number will be good.
  4. what's the point of starting w/o advertise?I didn't tell it failed,but from site that's what anyone would understand.Also i cannot understand the point of x75 xp/sp and 750x adena rate.Also i suggest you to remove custom enchant skills and custom item stats if you wanna hope that you'll get the chance of 5-10 players online.
  5. Retail on 2k15 has low chances to succeed,nobody will play i think.Good Luck.
  6. Any info on how many players on?from site it seems its already failed.
  7. Your site is so "childish style like",i believe it won't have a great start.Good luck though mate.
  8. Thanks for the info,i knew promisance and khaos existed in the past in 2005-2007 years,but i didn't knew you created both of them.Anyway i have to wish good luck in this server too.
  9. Great features,if we return to h5 we're in for sure.Good Luck to this.
  10. hope the old khaos will revive by community side,i'd like to see all these clans cathing fire from wars and war in oly too to make the most members heroes,haha.Good Luck,waiting for it.
  11. when i visit your server's site : Website is not available. Also features are good,seems good mid-rate but you must make a site first and advertise a lot. Good luck with it,inform us about site or g.open date.
  12. Is it the old promisance server? i think same exactly server(name,features) existed in the 2005-2007 years period.By the way good luck with it,but i think khaos won't leave players for you.
  13. You and Vykintas lifedrain please stop topic this crappy all the time.In every section you have posted this crap.
  14. Exactly as mentioned here,this combination can be deadly,also do not forget that eva templar is one of the best oly classes.If the user does combos like dat its hard to stop,thats why there is no need of vesper sword.Same can be happen on phoenix knights too
  15. Witch one of these servers?
  16. Hope you'll find a client,server was good just lacked of advertising.Good worked files seemed to me.
  17. You can try l2pvp.us opened before some days with near 100 ppl on.Worths a try for me.Gl in your research.
  18. Probably for game style,idk they auto banned you for using adrenaline cause a protect like that to autobann if yse adrenaline is hard to find,also they can understand f you bot or not,yiur char just stay and hit mobs.
  19. Good then :) .
  20. All oly servers are ru,and not with eng patch.It's inpossible to connect with these ru kind of systems and patches.
  21. Maybe you're right mate,but still high online thats what i try to say. :p
  22. This must be moved to live servers section.
  23. High standard online,you know that if you"ll join at least it won't be empty.Stupid community but also a good number of online brother.
  24. Normal gold farm yes.Also server is dead with fake online counter.When started had many ppl but now community is lowered enought.
  25. I didn't,and even if i did this has nothing to do with this topic/forum/etc.So stop commenting offensive for me here bro.
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