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Everything posted by GhostBuster-*

  1. No need too,just my opinion in words,we'll wait for news.
  2. wow,that just changed my mind about dat server at all :D . +++
  3. I don't like open server and then corrupt them like hell,i don't wannabe an owner who kills the players with his op char,like you think you'll do.Also i wanna see you as a player because i trully believe that your skills are on newbie level despite l2 being old game. :)
  4. Your new link works fine for me.It's not russian.Anyway nice share dude.
  5. Hope your mind drives you on a right way,cause except this one features are ok for a server.Good Luck then!
  6. Remove hero coins so ppl play olympiad.Also remove special icarus weps and just add normal icarus weapons.Thats a suggestion that will bring you positive results.Good luck on your server tho!
  7. Imagine a player farming and 2-3ppl party flag on him,he wont have a chance to survive probably but of he had one then his chances become zero.a pt with auto cp will smack him.
  8. And how about a solo player ? :d
  9. Depends on server.Ususally community leaves in 2-3 days not 1-2 weeks.If corruptions and op donators occur like every java made server nowadays they will all leave again for sure with no doubt.
  10. That still doesnt mean you ll get a decent online.You ll see this by yourself.
  11. I dont think thats a good idea for 2k15 community.Tho hard players may like it.we wait for more news.
  12. I wish you gl and find a client,but i think you have low chances to sell them,thats 2-3 hours farm items.Anyway.
  13. Link off-line.Try to fix this.its gonna be a good share if it really works.
  14. Hello,i can help on it.Check your inboxes.Thanks.
  15. 300+online.Tried a bit on the past,worths to play there,the only bad is that this owner is the same owner from l2atlantis.He runs both servers and he administrate both..
  16. Every server now closes for reason like dat.btw this one is not even worth to log in.Gf client not in use by community anymore.
  17. First learn english language,just basics so you can talk and we can understand.secobd fail server at maximum.
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/195548-from-zero-to-hero-project/
  19. Old ppl grew up more,they work and they studily no more time for farm thats why they are pro botters,also new l2ppl never met the real lineage in their life ao they dont know what it means to farm.My opinion x10-20 mid 20+4 buffs slots and a good advertise for good amount of online people.
  20. Thats a right thing that your team myst discuss and consider.i see no reason too in opening two servers,your files are good and with a good advertise you ll get some players No need to split community at all.
  21. Noce to hear dat.Hope you 'll temove them :d . We will wait for server news.
  22. Remove wings and baium hair.The others are ok if these will be removed me and friends are in for sure. Good luck !
  23. That line is full of greatness.If you think like that you'll succeed somehow ,idk..it's good to see this from an admin.
  24. Both servers are empty,despite you use good files,you started both server w/o even tell it to your family or friends :P. Anyway i think noone will join atm,since it's already started but it's empty.
  25. Good Luck dude.!
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