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Everything posted by GhostBuster-*

  1. So mid is coming up once again soon.We will be there,good luck.
  2. Thank you for sharing this with me.Some one lock this.
  3. Remember this epic server.Hope old days will be back.good luck mate.
  4. Thats unique mate.not all archer server :d
  5. I already answered to lot of people above,no i am not gm in this server.
  6. I will but not today maybe tomorrow i wait for my clan to be online
  7. Can't find the specific script,only some old not working link i found.
  8. Good server with lot of people,if only the people not talking ru so much.When was this server opened?I see it's a bit old in the game.
  9. Αδελφέ ακολούθησε αυτά τα βίντεο,είναι πολύ καλοί οδηγοί και θα σε βοηθησουνε,τα έχει όλα αναλυτικά. Επίσης σε αυτό το κανάλι θα βρείς και οδηγούς για τζάβα εαν ψάξεις λίγο..πάρε τα λίνκς. Παρτ1) Παρτ2) Παρτ3)
  10. Great server,i recommend it for high rate h5 server.It's just great.
  11. Seems a well designed site,but you need to become more "popoular".Not many people know this,and it has a low number of servers. Good luck with your new vote site.
  12. For sure botting servers have bigger communitites due to this like you mention,but i would like to play with real players.I agree on this too,but real players/clans farming/pvping are better than botting communitites that hits mobs all time and after they leave server.
  13. But i am not mate :)
  14. You can bot there with tower or newer.Idk if they have fixed it now,but our alliance members when we loged did that perfectly.
  15. We played there a bit,but day by day community becomes lower and we left.To me seemed a well worked pvp server,btw must do smth so ppl could stay more.Also i can see that ppl who won some forum events are not playing anymore,so these events will be pointless.
  16. If you find anything like dat message me.have a good luck in your research.
  17. Hey everyone as my topic title says,i am looking for the adrenaline script that takes you to village if you die and then makes buffs,and then it goes to continue farming.I haven't yet find anything but i have seen a guy that used it.If anyone could share it with me,i would be thankful.
  18. It's offtopic bro and i know it,but since this started i have to say that idk why people do it,commenting my opinion in a server good or bad,doesnt mean that i am Gm or not in a server.That happened once in a server before months,and then everyone start to blame my comments in each server,either good or bad(if good i am gm if not i am not haha). By the way mate,even if i did this,this has nothing to do with this forum.
  19. Relax guys,that happened in 1 server in the past before some months :).I just told a good word because for real this server's community grow daily...
  20. Seems Promising,and community grows..Good Luck!
  21. well,still wondering what's the reason of creating a beta witch last 24 hours.
  22. wow! what a text! every server that has text like this collects no more than 5-7 players on their g.open.I told in the past that this server will last for 4 days max,but i take it back. It will last no more than 2 days.Now i won't even join,and i had all the positive thinking of trying it.
  23. Btw for mats you can just go to blacksmith and trade mass,no need to click to create it :)
  24. 4 things make me stay. 1st community 300+in a high rate server or 800+ for mids.2nd thing corruptions and op donations ruin the game in every server so this must change if you want stable community,3d anti-bots for sure cause everyone nowadays leave a bot on and he drinks coffee,and 4th just keep a server online for a long not a week or month...But seems like that's just a dream nowadays no server with these 4 i mentioned exist....
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