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Everything posted by GhostBuster-*

  1. L2Interkasa (Network)* Opened 14.April.2010 Server Info Linage II Interkasa would like to welcome you to the grand opening of our 10x server! Rates: RateXp = 10x. RateSp = 10x. RatePartyXp = 2x RatePartySp = 2x RateDropAdena = 15x. RateDropItems = 10x. RateDropSpoil = 15x. Safe enchant: 3 everything. Max Enchant: 25 Wep / 25 Armor, Jewelry. Normall Enchant rate: 55% Blessed Enchant rate: 60% Custom: Npc Buffer. Class Changer. Global Gl. < Pots+shots(in giran grocery) Other Informations: * 32 buff bar slots (28 standard slots plus 4 unlockable slots.) * Working Geodata. * All Castles are fully siegeable. * All Castle features are working. * Interlude Clan System.(This includes all the Clan buffs aswell.) * Siegeable Clan Halls, All of them working. * Academy system fully working. * Interlude stats on all raidbosses. * Retail like Olympiad. * Retail Olympiad countdowns. * Anti Bot System. * Custom protection to prevent exploits. * Raid Curses work like they should. * Shop Zone in Giran. * Pagans Temple working 100%. * 99% uptime. * Duel System 100% working.. * 20 level party difference. * Clan Leader Change available through Grand Master. * Symbol skills working. * Soulshot bonuses work like they should on skills. * Lethal-1 and Lethal-2 Strike effects working. * 100% working weapon augmentation system. * +6 Armor set bonuses working. *SERVER OPENED 14.April.2010 And welcomes Everyone :) Site: http://l2.interkasa.ro/ Look Forum For Updates Daily. SERVER IS IN COMPANY IN RO .NEVER DOWN. 99.9% Uptime (Staff Pay Money). No Donations. L2Interkasa Staff.:* Owner : Fantasy (Server Owner,Administrator.) Developer : Kira (Develops the server with great expirience.) Head GameMaster : Loudovic (Head Gm.Active.Events.Checking.) Welcome and Enjoy your Stay Here :) Have fun. Everything you need Post In Forum.Or Pettition a Gm In-Game The L2interkasa Team Thank you for your attention.** Vote Daily on l2.hopzone.net Hopzones.net Topzone.com. Site: http://l2.interkasa.ro/ Site: http://l2.interkasa.ro/ PS ::Server Is Not Mine. Informations tooked by servers forum
  2. L2Interkasa x10 Xp,Sp, 15x adenas Server Info Linage II Interkasa would like to welcome you to the grand opening of our 10x server! Rates: RateXp = 10x. RateSp = 10x. RatePartyXp = 2x RatePartySp = 2x RateDropAdena = 15x. RateDropItems = 10x. RateDropSpoil = 15x. Safe enchant: 3 everything. Max Enchant: 25 Wep / 25 Armor, Jewelry. Normall Enchant rate: 55% Blessed Enchant rate: 60% Custom: Npc Buffer. Other Informations: * 24 buff bar slots (20 standard slots plus 4 unlockable slots.) * Working Geodata. * All Castles are fully siegeable. * All Castle features are working. * Interlude Clan System.(This includes all the Clan buffs aswell.) * Siegeable Clan Halls, All of them working. * Academy system fully working. * Interlude stats on all raidbosses. * Retail like Olympiad. * Retail Olympiad countdowns. * Anti Bot System. * Custom protection to prevent exploits. * Raid Curses work like they should. * Shop Zone in Giran. * Pagans Temple working 100%. * 99% uptime. * Duel System 100% working.. * 20 level party difference. * Clan Leader Change available through Grand Master. * Symbol skills working. * Soulshot bonuses work like they should on skills. * Lethal-1 and Lethal-2 Strike effects working. * 100% working weapon augmentation system. * +6 Armor set bonuses working. SITE---> http://l2interkasa.sytes.net/
  3. L2Interkasa x10 Xp,Sp, 15x adenas Opened Today (14 April 2010) Server Info Linage II Interkasa would like to welcome you to the grand opening of our 10x server! Rates: RateXp = 10x. RateSp = 10x. RatePartyXp = 2x RatePartySp = 2x RateDropAdena = 15x. RateDropItems = 10x. RateDropSpoil = 15x. Safe enchant: 3 everything. Max Enchant: 25 Wep / 25 Armor, Jewelry. Normall Enchant rate: 55% Blessed Enchant rate: 60% Custom: Npc Buffer. Other Informations: * 24 buff bar slots (20 standard slots plus 4 unlockable slots.) * Working Geodata. * All Castles are fully siegeable. * All Castle features are working. * Interlude Clan System.(This includes all the Clan buffs aswell.) * Siegeable Clan Halls, All of them working. * Academy system fully working. * Interlude stats on all raidbosses. * Retail like Olympiad. * Retail Olympiad countdowns. * Anti Bot System. * Custom protection to prevent exploits. * Raid Curses work like they should. * Shop Zone in Giran. * Pagans Temple working 100%. * 99% uptime. * Duel System 100% working.. * 20 level party difference. * Clan Leader Change available through Grand Master. * Symbol skills working. * Soulshot bonuses work like they should on skills. * Lethal-1 and Lethal-2 Strike effects working. * 100% working weapon augmentation system. * +6 Armor set bonuses working. SITE---> http://l2interkasa.sytes.net/
  4. SERVER OPENED 4 APRIL 2010. Welcome to Our Low-Mid Rate Server. L2 Escape Info.(The Game Reborn) XP,SP,Adenas-->45x,45x,340x Weapons S No AS (You need AncientAdenas to make) ENCHANT:Safe +3 Max +19 65% Success Normall.80%Blessed. Server Npc\'s::Gm Shop Up to S(s grade no SA) Buffer::1 Hour Buffs.49 Min Dance/Songs Subclass needs Quest. (Official Like) Noblesse Quest Normall(Helfire Oil Lunargent in gm shop.) Sieges On 100% Oly works 100% All SKills Working 100% up to Interlude ------- NO CUSTOMS OR TATOOS FOR BALANCE GAMEPLAY AND OFFICALY STATS. HelpFull Gm\'s With many events and prize of events recs or ls :D For more Info visit Us and have a nice gameplay during your stay in our server :) P.S site on uCoZ--->the gyus We manage our site is holidays..Soon we will create another :D
  5. SERVER OPENED 4 APRIL 2010. Welcome to Our Low-Mid Rate Server. L2 Escape Info.(The Game Reborn) XP,SP,Adenas-->45x,45x,340x Weapons S No AS (You need AncientAdenas to make) ENCHANT:Safe +3 Max +19 65% Success Normall.80%Blessed. Server Npc\'s::Gm Shop Up to S(s grade no SA) Buffer::1 Hour Buffs.49 Min Dance/Songs Subclass needs Quest. (Official Like) Noblesse Quest Normall(Helfire Oil Lunargent in gm shop.) Sieges On 100% Oly works 100% All SKills Working 100% up to Interlude ------- NO CUSTOMS OR TATOOS FOR BALANCE GAMEPLAY AND OFFICALY STATS. HelpFull Gm\'s With many events and prize of events recs or ls :D For more Info visit Us and have a nice gameplay during your stay in our server :) P.S site on uCoZ--->the gyus We manage our site is holidays..Soon we will create another :D Site.--->htpp://l2thegamereborn.ucoz.com P.S O server dn ine dikos m...
  6. Hi all.... New interlude Server Opened 2nd April..(Its not mine) Features:: Instant Lvl 80 FUll Npcs.(Gm Shop Has Evrything Gk Buffer etc..ANd dynasty Shop with dynastys) Geodata Enabled Server is full protected(Phx ,Noobish error,etc.etc. trade bug fixed.) PvP Site......l2-volcano.webstarts.com
  7. Hello gyus... I wanna tell you about my prob.. Look...When i buy a wep/arm/jlw from the gm shop of the server i find The Packet "RequestMultiSellChoose" i copy it to section Send and i change the 6th and 7th number to "FF FF"and i take a new weapon but is no enchanted...Its normall....Can someone help me?...or i make smth wrong??...I would very pleased..thanks PLS REPLY!
  8. Hello all Gyus and Tahnx for your attention New PvP Server Opened in November 14(At November 17 Server In Hopzone and.topzone) <------.:Server Info:. ------> Anti-Phx Enchant- Anti-Phx Werehaouse Script for gracia final Fixed Anti-Phx Announcements Anti-Phx Lvl Up,,Kill-res,Heal Anti-Bot Protection (PvP,Pk kills Using Bot will Autoban,,Auto Ban In Chars Tha use L2Walker) Rates :.= 200x Xp..200x Sp..500x Adenas Full Gm Shop,Buffer(6Hours)Full Gk,Special Shop(In this you buy Forggoten Scrolls,CLan Items for skills...Etc.) Npc Makes You Noble With only 2 Gb(Every Player starts with 100.000.000)100kk Enchant Rates:Safe Max Full+7 Max +20 Enchant Rate Normall 75% Blessed 100% Farming Area For adenas:(Drops 30-250kk Each mob) Visit Us In :::http://www.L2limited.ucoz.com Download Our Patch and Have fun :D :D ;D http://www.l2limited.ucoz.com http://www.l2limited.ucoz.com
  9. Hi all new PvP Server l2limited opened 31st October And we Have one Gracia Final Server and one Interlude(c6) Server.Both PvP Servers Server is in only 6 days On and We caught 24 people :P Soon in Hopzone..We have it to Topzone and top 200 L2 Srvrs. .:Server Info:.---> All Npc's Are Spawned In Giran 9 (In 2 days in Every Town) x10.000 Xp, Sp, Adena x10 Drop,Spoil Enchant Safe:: +10 Enchant Max +30 Success Rate 85% Normall and 100% Blessed Full Protection Anti Hacking Anti Phx Enchant Anti Phx Announce Anti Phx Damage Hack Trade Bug Fixed Server Soon Will be on hopzone and on other Voting Sites <Big>No Donation (in srvr there is an npc who says donate items..these items are the boss jlsw and Lifestones wich there are in Our GMshop Lance) Our Site:: www.l2limited.ucoz.com (Our SIte Is Not so good cause its Under COstraction-->I mean its a simple site ^_^) For our G3 server you need Gracia Final Client For Our Interlude(c6)you need Interlude client Have fun!! and thank you for your attention SmileySmiley Join Us!!
  10. Hi all new PvP Server l2limited opened 31st October And we Have one Gracia Final Server and one Interlude(c6) Server.Both PvP Servers .:Server Info:.---> All Npc's Are Spawned In Giran 9 (In 2 days in Every Town) x10.000 Xp, Sp, Adena x10 Drop,Spoil Enchant Safe:: +10 Enchant Max +30 Success Rate 85% Normall and 100% Blessed Full Protection Anti Hacking Anti Phx Enchant Anti Phx Announce Anti Phx Damage Hack Trade Bug Fixed Server Soon Will be on hopzone and on other Voting Sites Our Site:: http://www.l2limited.ucoz.com (Our SIte Is Not so good cause its Under COstraction-->I mean its a simple site ^_^) For our G3 server you need Gracia Final Client For Our Interlude(c6)you need Interlude client Have fun!! and thank you for your attention :):) Join Us!!
  11. 1st Gm Only Lvled U not give Items---2nd Everyone who joins like it--->And People who has castle its because yestrday 1st day of server Admin stardes sieges. :) Thats all :D 3rd Tatoo works Normall and no super stats That Teks says :) Have fun ! 4 People has full recs also But Admin made 5 TvT Events to win them :) 5-->Its A Normal Good Server If you want Start :P:P Http://l2limited.ucoz.com
  12. Hi all.New pvp server opened 9.9.2009 (yesterday) x1000 Rates Safe Enchant:7 Max Enchant:30 Success Rate 78% Normall Scrolls 90%Blessed Scrolls Full Npc's(Buffer,Gatekkeper,GmShop,Anti-pk Guards.Etc.) Server Is Full Protected. Anti-phx Enchant Anti-phx FakeGm Anti-phx Announcements Trade Bug Fixed Pet enchant Bug Fixed We Have a Protect File that if anyone has more than +30(30 max enchant)Autoban him Adena Zone,, PvP Zone---> NO NO NO Custom Armors. Tattos WOrking :) Join if you want :P See you in Game Have fun ;D ;D http://www.L2limited.ucoz.com DOwnload Patch Have fun
  13. i Will try this.Looks Like good server...Has server protections?.Anti-phx Etc??
  14. Omg 80% Down :/ Wtf?>:
  15. File ton ekana xp ton char ton allonme tn gm mou..Kai ekane mono to 1st class..:S..prepei na einai 40 gia na t dei an einai parapanw?..:S
  16. Pedia geia sas eimai new..loipon exw prob sto roy the cat sto l2joneo pack dld molis paw me tn admin/gm na allaksw class t dixnei..me normal player dn dixnei..epishs M eipane na allaxw ekei p leei #default=false na t kanw #default=true allow1stclass=true 2nclass=tru 3rdclass=true...ayta ola htan false kai molis t ekana true bika me char kai allakse mono to 1st class..meta pataw click kai atak sto roy the cat alla dn vgazei tpt...HElp pls...Thanx..
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