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Everything posted by jsaugs

  1. Why would a bishop be using heavy armor when he doesn't even have heavy armor masteries. And on top of that... using Greater Heal at the same time..? Good luck healing for only 1k for 5 seconds each cast. First of all, it's major heal and casts faster, uses less MP and heals even more. Second, use Draconic if you want an armor to give more defense than robes. Third, use an arcana mace to wipe out his mp, than use a drac bow and kite him (he even has block ww too so it's even easier)
  2. If you want to use dual swords, choose a gladiator or a blade dancer. In Gracia Part 2 though, tanks get a skill that allows them to use dual swords, but I don't reccomend it. For low rates, I'd go BD since they are needed in almost every group and are really easy to level up, but if it's on a high rate... go ahead and go gladiator and rip some faces off.
  3. Thank's for pointing out the obvious, really.. even the people that have been playing for a week should already have an idea of easy farming.
  4. Sounds good to me.
  5. Funny, lol.
  6. Guide is pretty confusing and newbies wouldn't really get what you are trying to say, lol. Doesn't work on L2OFF Interlude though.
  7. 1. Wouldn't say a SE have lower hp than an EE? lol. 2. Personally I would just equip demon set on that sub and switch back. 3. And how would you get jailed for attacking guards, what shit server are you on? lmao.
  8. MOS is really a good spot to level if you're using death spike/CDL which you should be using anyways. But always use death spike in PvE unless its strong against dark which you shouldn't be hunting there anyways.. hurricane takes way too much mp to be using during PvE, death spike will get you more xp in the long run.
  9. Been hero about 11 times in total with all my characters. I got it once with my spellhowler, he got banned and never got to actually use the hero, but hey.. still got it, lol. Around five times with my sorcerer and five times with my plainswalker, the server shut down afterwards though.. both times which ended my hero count (server went down and wiped, server went back up, got hero.. shut down, lol).
  10. Better land rate of hex/power break/freezing strike.
  11. Use tallum if you're stuck in a-grade. Fast reuse on frenzy/zealot/guts and nice attack speed.. a pretty good pve armor and a not-so-bad pvp armor.
  12. It's funny how everybody always ignores and forgets about a sorcerer. If you're talking about how they have aura flash and aoe skills, a sorcerer is five times better than a sh and a sps at aoeing.
  13. LOL. that's really funny, and would probably be a kick ass game. anybody know the name of it and when it's going to be released or something? or was it just a homemade server or something?
  14. Since I'm usually alone or just with someone else, we both love to gank in PvP.. which makes a fully buffed SR one of the best gank classes xD. gotta love the speed.
  15. Between the two, I would pick a Necro/PP mainly because it will DOMINATE the olympiad. Personally, I would choose a SPS/ES because you get transfer pain, arcane agility which makes your cast even more INSANE, a strong end game summon with stun, wind shackle (slows enemy's attack speed), nice cubics, betray (makes enemy's summon attack it's owner, would be really good against a Necro/PP), and the seraphim buff that gives you a lower reuse in magic skills. Just make a boxed EE for powater and all that jazz. Your character will literally be insane. It's really a preferance of playstyle though.
  16. Prophets can kill the majority of people, but when it's against a maxed geared, skilled Paladin, the prophet will usually and always lose. Prophet has my vote though, since probably one out of 50+ people is a good paladin, lol.
  17. People say that suck because most of the servers have them bugged. I personally hate Kamaels anyways though, they should have never made them and are a disgrace to L2 (lol). Dark Elves ftw, but I suck at all the damn DE classes so I'm stuck with my Archmage/Plains Walker base every time, x.x.
  18. The old one obviously. With maxed out magic crit buffs and a valakas necklace, you do insane damage and tons of magic crits.
  19. The old and overused "Infinity" has to be one of the best, lol.
  20. My favorite has to be the WR. Its one of the best ganking classes imo, and you have to love their speed and of course.. focus death. It sucks against Adventurers though, I usually win against the majority of them (because usually noobs play TH's cause they are so damn easy) but if I come across a good, skilled TH, I usually lose every time. I've tried and my friends tried putting me on other daggers though and I suck at both TH and AW, lol. PW just fits my playstyle and I've been used to playing PW since c3.
  21. A critical party will and always own any group, they're damage output is just way too much. I havn't seen a critical party (usually and always an archer party) against a group with a SWS using that song that gives arrow resistance and the BD dance that gives arrow resistance though, mainly cause I play Interlude servers. But yeah, an archer group with cat buff and CoV just hits way too damn hard for a bishop to keep itself and its party alive.
  22. It depends on the class, level and equipment. If you're level 20 on a low rate you arn't going to go exping at EG right away, but if you're on a high rate, ofc you're going to go to EG or Death Pass with all the dances/songs/prophecies, and vice versa. Give us some more information about your character/server.
  23. Sounds intresting, it would probably be a really good server with the right hardware and staff. I'm going to have to pass though, I really don't like faction servers at all, mainly because I don't like the limitation of me killing JUST a certain group of people. I like to kill anyone, if they piss me off and not letting a jerk stand next to me annoying the shit out of me because he knows I can't kill him, lol.
  24. It's a mixture with both really. I usually just enchant one weapon at a time, but it usually is easier and better to enchant the same weapons/armors/jewels/whatever with the same +.
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