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Everything posted by jsaugs

  1. +1 this, everyone else that told you to -men instead of int is a moron.
  2. Armors: -Robes:Dark Crystal, Tallum, Majestic, BW, Major Arcana -Light Armor: Draconic, Majestic, Doom, PL, Theca (only on dark elf chicks =D) -Heavy: Tallum, Doom, FP, Brig
  3. +1, this guy explained it all
  4. Sorcerer ftw, you should add in that they have a huge advantage over fighters with their vortex though.. and spellhowlers have a huge advantage over nukers with their vortex also. And maybe add their buster/crusher/slugs into key skills.
  5. L2 Inc got most of its players from shut down/closed servers.. refused, ownage and now paradise... it's eventually going to reach up to 7k+ reguarly.
  6. You're obviously a noob who doesn't know any other classes than the ones you play. Just saying "eh, I don't like them" makes you look stupid.
  7. L2Ownage was hosted in USA, that's why I think it got shut down. All these other servers are located somewhere in Europe probably.. atleast L2 Inc is in Germany.
  8. Does anybody know if this works?
  9. Hidden islands..? where?
  10. fully buffed pr > all of them
  11. interlude, but if nukers 79 skills (buster, crusher, slug) were in interlude it would be even better imo
  12. 15x and high rates are fun. but 7x-9x are also fun but don't have the time. i played on retail before but had no idea how i did it D: l2supreme (azure gaming) had a .5x server when nanaki and aerith were down atleast when i played there.
  13. 4 times on sorc then server closed, 3-4 times on pw then server closed again D:
  14. they used to be unstoppable, then came along unholy resist and dark resist on s80 armors, so they arnt as powerful as before.
  15. people who exploit/bug ofc. they get their shit so much faster and better than normal players, and dont have to pay for +ed donated items too :p
  16. my best was probably an earth augment once and owned with it on a bishop (who takes resists for earth attacks also? :p) and also a hate augment where you could hate unflagged players causing them to flag on my sorc hero, easy pvps. worst was probably decrease damage from falling D:
  17. Necros were good back in the day (mainly c4/c5), then dark resist buffs started coming out. If someone has unholy resist/divine protection/song of invocation/dance of alignment and even just say they have frintezza, that necro will be doing damage in the 200s or even less. I usually sub a necro once in awhile on a server if I just want to change up my gameplay every so often, and they're a pretty easy class.
  18. Nice thread, good information to know/look back on.
  19. I like the last one, looks cool.
  20. This server was actually really good in the beginning, it has a great layout and setup on how to get s-grade weapons too. Just when corruption started/everyone exploited to get +ed weps everyone started leaving, and the admin hardly did anything about it. If they wiped, it would have be a lot better.
  21. Cool screenshots, the one with the two dark elves are a classic.
  22. It sounds really organized and intresting.. however when it got to the epic/custom weapons part I lost intrest, I'm not fond of those things.
  23. It's pretty much one of the best stable duo's for pve including your se/pp buffs. You'll be able to level for a long time, not really needing to rest.. and if you do need mp in a situation, you always have that SE.
  24. All server with overpowered doantions are worthless trash imo, the good servers have donations for little things that won't take a huge impact on a server.. like second class transfer, some noblesse items or something. Servers need donations though, to keep it up, running and stable.. but not overpowered donations.
  25. Sorry for the double post, but you can't edit your posts and I forgot something important. Why would you use a btb staff when you're a bishop and have Body of Avatar which is equal to btb 6, not btb 5 or whatever the staff gives you.
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