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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. Gl to your new server looks good and promising !
  2. not used word "bump" plus Posted 03 August 2014 - 10:43 PM 2 hours after Posted (4 august) Today, 01:05 AM thats why i told give a look in the rules Tomoya
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/21-spam-topics/ here you can post your oppinions
  4. akken you are old member mate you must edit first post without re-bump the topic more than once per day since its not answer to another member :) * no need to reply.
  5. to skill id uparxei idi ston paixti sou svise ta skill sou me to remove all skills kai valta pali
  6. why this thread is not junked yet? here is what he sell (this is copy of another person in another forum) enough proofs to get hes alter account banned also and stop this guy from ruining the marketplace and the persons who really try to sell good work, and not frozen packs (mostly) for pro packs
  7. this is the vanganth free version this means alot of holes/bugs you know that orc can call hes friend from the prison and such... i wont tell more because the rest are shared except if you sell the programms that can also be found shared cracked etc... so we have the facebook page for 250 euro. you cant prove me wrong because i worked on the free version of vanganths pack and i know alot of holes/bugs show some respect kid aka inthehend (also known as banned or scammer) so instead of talking about others you should care about your self.
  8. somebody in the other forum had 40 posts and you called him unskilled and untrusted now it turns you have 40 post and you want to get trusted about your 100+ euro :) anyway i will tell this: this guy got scammed but he gave the money so hes trusted.
  9. he actually must setup svn nice crappy share
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/178356-l2j-freya-enchanted-items-in-gm-shop/ psakse ligo 9 meres psaxneis enw exei idi apantithei
  11. okey it was looking like hating thats why i was "wtf" pffff
  12. guides gia import den uparxoun eipe exei to source den kserei pws na to valei.. dokimase to file->import kai kanto import san java project tha se rwtisei pou vriskete o fakelos tou source epelekse core kai kane to idio meta kai gia to datapack
  13. https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/l2hellas/trunk/L2JHellasD/data/teleports/
  14. better you can add the photos with bbcode on editor there is a small button down from smilies :)
  15. just to tell you about my view i know hes skills from l2jpes he did some commits and he have shared some codes before he can make something to do the work (i dont call him good but i cant call him bad dev) your message lacks some things: 1) like gold member you must know that you must be the example and not start turf e-wars 2) 2 words can be called spam 3) as i quoted you have to provide proofs even if we know him or even if we dont why hes untrusted and why hes unskilled?
  16. only shared "features" anything about economy? so let me tell you this when you sell something you must fix the main problem that all server has and its not balance because this word "balance" is overated this days balance depends on the newbie customs of every server example "Bishop Reward with rate %( for example if 1 party have bishop in party take same assist reward)" whats the id he gets? i dont care if its configurable you sell the server like "ready to open" or not? because this thing you sell needs development for at least 3 months by a noob that knows more than basic xml/html/sql java edits and what ever is inside what i mean? i wont buy from you because i know more than a noob with basics the main question about your self is this: why a newbie will by from me afterall he has to do some shitty work to finally make this server online. except if you try to scam newbies to buy it and then gg aloha ciao minEidateTonPanai bardon finally after i explained somethings i can make my question: :you serious?: why you sell half done things? and whats the point to sell without source?
  17. to l2off einai paromoio me tin erimo saxara kai gia na plirwseis toulaxiston 150 euro mono gia pack apo free den kaneis tipota
  18. den kserw an itheles na grapseis dedicated kai egrapses Delicatedalla auto to mixanima pou dixneis einai virtual machine xrisimopiise to google an den ksereis ti einai
  19. afou exeis hellas pane katevase apo to forum mas pou sou egrapsa sto allo post tin version me to DISKW kata 95% tha kanei auto pou theleis kai mporeis na alakseis tin selida me opoiadipote alli theleis... den xreiazete na egatastiseis apatche/mysql mono java kai trexei to site phpmyadmin apatche mysql kai sikwnei automata kai selida kai anoigei kai ton server patontas mono to koumpi start
  20. pane grapse sto forum you hellas to provlima sou tha pareis voitheia http://l2jhellas.info/ tha vreis tin teleftaia version tou pack kai mporeis na pareis tin buffer apo kei pou doulevei
  21. in your build.xml you will see on the jar method 1.6 change it to 1.7 should not have problems about java 1.8 i dont think it will work also change the compilance level on 1.7 and you are ready to build if those not work add java 1.6 for frozen
  22. in this ocation its my fault that i answered when he provoked me. thats all
  23. you must use "we" you cant call the others except your self, you might get report for that carefull.
  24. you must be hes pet or something? what are you doing here?
  25. contacted trusted good guy
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