A server console with a small patch integraded for all chronicles for autoreward system.
My package contains
The jar that console uses.
1 Sql file that holds the votes.
1 patch for the vote system you have.
1 Configuration file.
Setup free via team viewer
PS: it works after the latest hopzone change and almost all systems not working
Why i sell this and whats the point of this console:
This console has some differences from the shared codes i will say some examples
You can have it on other computer (less ram/cpu)
Libraries not load on game server -> less libraries since they moved on that console for the specific purpose to load less ram faster cpu and script excecution time
Console checks hopzone and it uses database 1 time per checktime (30sec) or what you want
Less database communication from the shared systems are shared arround
You know the fix for topzone is 10mb libs more... i mean thats not so good for loading in a game server isnt it?
The patch removes imports from some java libraries nessesary to connect on votesites also and they wont need to load on game server
My comments: some ppl might find this unusfull but when i can do something little more faster i do it, because when you have 50 players online it wont lag.. but if you have more than 200-300 players you look even the smallest thing to remove to gain some speed, with that said i think i answer some questions.
# Url's Check
TimeCheck = 30
# Debug
Debug = False
# Url's
# Database Settings
Host = localhost
Port= 3306
DBName = l2jhellas
DBUser = root
DBPass =
Photo :
No source 10Euro (You cant add more vote sites, no support)
Source 30Euro (More vote sites and i provide updates)