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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. Well was searching to delete some files in my HDD, when I found an old c++ project of rGuard with sources of dsetup.dll so I was wondering if this is the ancestor of smartguard and if it worth of making a new project out of it, my aim would not be $ but for free. I can imagine a web application to control the server's options, statistics of users and more. I can see is a free protection for everyone. thoughts?
  2. mssql 2005 or 2008 setup dsn files and thats most of it
  3. μάθε βρε καθυστερημένε να κάνεις καλή καζούρα δε σε χωνεύει κανείς γιατι γίνεσε τοξικός δεν ξέρεις να μιλάς ούτε να κάνεις πλάκα είσαι τόσο χαζός απο το l2jhellas ακόμα που μας παρουσιαζόσουν σαν κορίτσι για να μας τραβήξεις την προσοχή στο skype ακόμη με όνομα ερμαφρόδιτο σε έχω απο τότε κάποτε σου είχα προτίνει να πάς σε ψυχολόγο καλοπροαίρετα γιατι δεν ξέρεις να συμπεριφέρεσαι δεν σέβεσε γιαυτό δεν σε σέβονται και γώ δεν είμαι τέλειος έχω άτομα που δεν με συμπαθούν εδώ αλλα δεν κάθομαι να τους τσιγκλάω κάθε μέρα νομίζοντας κάτι θα καταφέρω community είναι εδώ καλώς κακός είμαστε όλοι μέρος του φόρουμ και κάθε μέρα έχω να βλέπω τις μαλακίες σου ξεκόλλα λίγο με την φάση σου και γίνε ποιο (καλοπροαίρετα) κοινονικός και όχι τσογλάνι διάβασε αυτά που γράφεις στα 600 πόστ που έχεις η βρίζεις η κοροιδεύεις η σε σκαμάρουν σκεύτικες οτι μπορεί να φταίς και εσύ;
  4. i am not using this section of forum since ever... yes 5 years excact with your math. it was low "try to troll" response so it was low in sort.
  5. the vote: the player that votes has an unique IP adress the player votes and the topsite logs that adress if he successfully vote now the api of each site: the api shows true/false if the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx IP adress has voted or not. now the server side the server gets the players IP adress and asks the API if that ip has voted. it gets true or false for yes or no
  6. low quallity response, and post count increases, well done. but for you I will quote what it means so you can understand here is the "I wonder how he/you sell things to others" that "that was troll admit it, all after that was to finish the sentence." indicates that the previous sentence in quotes something funny and after the coma "," the text after that "all after that was to finish the sentence." what you did not understand? if you use google translate yes you might have a problem there.
  7. "I wonder how he/you sell things to others" that was troll admit it, all after that was to finish the sentence. :")
  8. first of all who ever dont get the sweets troll style has to kill him self. second yes you did not sell that code you gave for free (you got scammed) and you come here to get burn over it. third you send a code that didnt do what expected a refund must be done, if you want to get serious here.
  9. i said that cause of LOGGER. it was like that arround 1100 rev of frozen if i am not mistaken but true he will
  10. it looks like he is using frozen and he propably copied some higher chronicle monster in this case thats why i try to make him understand or remember how he caused this true not big deal for us but for him :)
  11. that propably happent when you copied some monster from other pack and pasted it inside your files and you know shit happens.
  12. ah I don't remember in detail so I agree with you sweety, its funny actually how many names I remember in that old forum hahaha! ontopic answers given good luck with java!
  13. cut the crap before acis you was in frozen you had account and I remember you always complain for structures
  14. did you ask the support of your dedi because thats why you pay them in first place, second there are google guides i dont think you will find this here try instead https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&safe=off&client=firefox-b-ab&ei=a7gLW9KnEcnX6QSxoLvwAQ&q=install+ssl+certificate+in+xampp&oq=installing+ssl+sertificate+in+xampp+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i22i30k1l7.14927.27535.0.30434.
  15. for example I remember tryskell in l2jfrozen forums crying for bugs look at him now he makes others cry for bugs
  16. I would backup everything in his place and let you fix the "bugs" but ... the lack of IQ is reaching only the scam level, no more than that.
  17. to l2.ini to anoigeis me filedit fantazomai to ksereis auto
  18. το JDK 10 δεν υποστηρίζεται απο τα πακ που υπάρχουν και δεν βλέπω να έχεις jdk 1.8 mono JRE 1.8 αν παρατηρήσεις θα το δείς και μόνος σου στην φώτο και επιστρέφω στην αρχική μου ερώτηση
  19. start a new cause l2off devs are gone missing
  20. σκέφτηκες οτι μπορεί να μην το έχεις εγκαταστήσει;
  21. I use only firefox never had problem.
  22. peiramatisou me auto exei fuction alla den einai kai to pio teleio https://app.assembla.com/spaces/l2hellas/subversion/source/HEAD/trunk/
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