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Everything posted by DJ_ExTaCy1337

  1. -Windows media player 11 My keyboard have some buttons for Play/Pause Stop Volume Up/Down etc. etc. :) So I am good with it and have not to install more music programs :p
  2. Popopo aderfe me kavlwses twra Aprillia ftw, exw 3ana dei kai 3erw to 5occ :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gillera DNA 50cc einai kati paromio alla poio ftuno! Tha sto prwtina apla duskola na breis ! :( Sto stylaki tou aprillia einai ;] alla psilo poio moufa ;p sto stylaki enow pistiara style k etC xD http://www.mototweeks.co.uk/images/bike_sales/dna50_lrg.jpg Checkare tin photo ;)
  3. Thanks for the share fakoykas :) Bake-Ice For life, no box no hlapex no phx NOTHING! :)
  4. Thanks for the collection Anni :) I rly rly like Lineage website ;) It's like Official's one, www.lineage2.com Thanksss :) Ima gonna use it :D
  5. \Steam\SteamApps\YOUR_LOGIN\counter-strike\cstrike bsp put to cstrike\maps wad to cstrike if you got steam, or else C:/Program Files/CS 1.6/Maps let's say if its non-steam :D Just search inside your CS Folder for "Maps" ;) Thanks for the share, awsome 500 maps :D
  6. Hohoho, thanks :) Now I can get bad gm's out ! :D Damn that is teh best share everrr =] I didn't knew it exists, I will use 2nd, GM will get banned too and IP-Blocked after if he do that ;)
  7. Why to get banned ??? You didn't stole a shareware script and sell it !!!! You just took a html code and used a flash file of Hopzone and embed it to your website!!! From when is Embeding illegal? FFS !! If you embed a video from youtube to your site will it be illegal? WTF -.- You dont know Dont Reply... Shit :x I have never seen Embeding being illegal, correct me if I am wrong... Thanks for teh sh4r3 Hax0r ;] Very smart of you to get this Hopzone checker :D
  8. No man, I dissconect my router (Restart better) and it changes immiditelly, I am using a proxy too and getting votes high! ;) Just use this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=20737.0 and even find more proxy's and do it more than twice, it's working I have tested it... Hey MadUser this is MacAdressChanger not IPAdressChanger :/
  9. Have you tested it?I am not sure that u even know wtf that program does... You need to target an IP with MySQL enabled and port 3306 opened... Then find a userlist.txt and a passlist.txt search google and brute it up it may take a year but ok... But if you didnt tested dont say that it isn't working +1 ? What +1? Karma ? omg u r spammer :)
  10. Thanks man, this weapons exist on L2White Eagle ... Is it from C2 ? Cause WhiteEagle is Hellbound not Gracia :D ! Thanks anyways downloading, nice weapons and I love the Icarus bow and teh glows ;)
  11. Nai re c oso pane kai mas katastrefoun, katse na doume 12 tou minos pou tha bgei to Gracia PTS2 ... na doume ekei oute tha to sikonoun ta pc mas... :/ C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/C6 pezoun se 10xrona pc na poume! apo CT1 k meta GG dn pezoun oute se 2purina :-/ Skata file moy egw C4 pezw... :/ Kamael = Mpourda :(
  12. Thanks for the share Stefouliiiiii :) I really like Dual Bows and Dual 2 Handed ;) Dual Crossbow are rly bad ! xD p.s. Keep sharing ;) !
  13. uh oh, I didnt knew that :/ Ok it's ready now I hope no more problems on this topic right? :D Only the [sHARE] Tag was missing?^^ I found many L2FileEdit but most of them got deleted by my AV, So I choosed the ones that dont get... And they have low stats on virustotal... ;]
  14. Thanks I configurated like this but I can't understand the results =P lol xD
  15. tallum heavy OK hd OK Buff OK Dance OK Renewal NOT OK Champion NOT OK Vr4 OK Cause on L2G-Oldskool NPC AiO doesnt have Champion/Renewal :/ I am talking about L2G-Oldskool but maybe u dont know :) Damn I didnt knew that thanks for teh tip ;) I think I will get Blunt for stun :O and pole for farm ;)
  16. OMG Thanks for the share, hey how can I view logs without this program ? I dont know -.- only on game/login server it shows some things if someone got dc etc. etc. xD
  17. Yes but this option doesnt allow you to give a reward to all winning team members, thats how to summon an item... dragon_slayer* XD This is an add-on or something ask someone that got an L2Off server you know just search top posters on L2Off shares ;) and the ppl with a lot of karma ;)
  18. Yes, for pvp ;) oh yeah DHA is like HD but its 2 handed blunt right?:O Stun works?:O GG Thanks god I didnt found yet the fire manta's to get my S-Grade weapon ;) Thanks for help guys ;)
  19. Nai omws an exeis full inventory? :D Auto leei na pas 80/80 inventory... ;] Les na paei 81/80 ?:/ Gg meta to ftia3an ;( Thanks anyway tah to dokimasw auto to exploit... =x lets see
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30001.0 edw pera exw kanei share fileedit gia C3/C4/C5/C6/CT1 & CT1.5 katebaste gia C3/C4 k eiste GG ;) See yeah ;)
  21. Oh thanks, I was 99% sure about 2handed sword, but not for armor imperial or dragonic ;) ... But that sucks because I have no disables for 2handed swords :( Only for blunt I have stun :O So what dyes should I get? STR or CON?:D /offtopic Damn yesterday I pwned 66 lvl HE same gear on l2g-oldskool :O doom light set + peryl , and I was with great sword + bw heavy set :D and I was 59 lvl ;) I spented Guts & Frenzy but ok finally he got owned after 2-3 minutes xD He was hitting and running, dash too -.-
  22. Hello guys :D I've searched forum "Destroyer Guide" and I found nothing similar to it :( (I want this for L2Gold-Old Skool :) U know it have GMShop... I wanna now what Dyes to get on him... What armor S-Grade? Imperial or Dragonic? Weapon? 2 Handed or Blunt+Shield?:/ Cause Destroyer is teh weapon master :s I used to get him 2Handed sword + Dragonic I think on pvp servers but I have to play Destroyer since years xD! Please if someone can find something for me help me plx :)
  23. Thanks for the share, time to make some GMShop, if someone can translate it please help us, I think NITROUS SYSTEM Speaks English/Greek/Russian :) I dont know how to translate a program and I dont know Russian if I knew both I would do it ... :(
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