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Everything posted by DJ_ExTaCy1337

  1. OMG Tehrulez u r teh best !!!! You and your shares!!!! You are my idol xD Lol!:d
  2. G.T.A IV Of Course! I voted GTA IV!!! GTA Rulez! Score: 8-8 :D
  3. Anytime bro, just join and you will never get out! xD (Maybe :P ) I started and I cant stop playing there :D
  4. Wow thanks a lot mate ! This will do a server more non-boring (:
  5. Oops sorry I forgot to tell u that xD It's C4-L2Off and it's International... There are a lot of ppl..more than 2k online I think ... I even heard 7-8k lol... Every town is filled with them xD and every farm area :p you will never be alone! haha Just test him out... It's so famous server and has the best anti-hack system out there... No1 can hack it :( Just try it ;] It have NPC Buffer that only gives PP/SE buffs no dance no songs no acumen lvl 3 (only lvl 2) Buffs duration 2 hours (2minutes for siren and cov/pow/pow/pof) but there are Dancers/Songers/Bufers in giran that are selling... You can make a bd/songer/buffer too and sell ;] (Buffer only for lvl 3 acumen (WC or PP) SE not needed)
  6. He means AoE But what's what Copy/Paste does.... AoE = Area of Effect
  7. Thank's dude :] Yes I made 100 posts to see ur topic! Thanks a lot! Some of them I used them long ago and some of them don't work for me...! But some does :D
  8. It doesn't work on C4-L2Off! Just to know (L2Elite is very protected god damn :D :/ )
  9. Yes of course it works on every server ^_^ Yeah I used it too on some servers with NPC Buffer And yes with all robes it's working .... Robes give MP (I mean all robes gives MP ...Not gives all buffs) :D That's why u can cast! :) Robe armor gives MP if not u would had 1000 MP on 52 lvl with a Mage or something like there! :x
  10. Thanks for the share ! Nice share dude gonna try it :O!
  11. hehehehe yeah it works!!!! Thanks for teh share man! :]
  12. Thanks for the share but why... on Lineage 2 Exploits section?:D Very nice thanks..
  13. L2elite!!! www.l2elite.us many ppl International server hosted in US with ppl from a lot of countrys! x45 rates I dont know enchant rates... With Gm shop! L2OFF It have donate...:/ Custom shit only Elite Armor/Elite Jewels (Donate only) Dusk shield (donate & event) And hmm...Some custom weapons (Dual Daggers/Dual Spellbooks/Dual Blunts [Good p/m att. but no S.A. ;]) Try this server many ppl play it RAWKS :D
  14. If you can do it like L2Extreme was u will get more than 2k people =) But I dont know if NCSoft close urs too -.-' C4-off x35 GM Shop with all Grades Dusk need materials and seal stones u remember if u have played.. Elven Ruins and Elven fortess is the big mobs there that drop seal stones and on field of whispers and silence seal stones only too =] there were more things!!! I cant forget this server...:$ It was the best I ever played
  15. Yes it does kill music ... :S ... Because artists can't continue without money support =D So the solution is ... that Goverment must pay us more money on jobs :D So we can afford them ... And onother solution is to sell them like the black people on the beaches sell them on the Disc stores for 5 Euros xD!
  16. That names are weird :S I don't like them ! And they are 455 not up to 2000! :D And btw why 50 posts hide?:S U afraid NCSoft finds it out?hahahahhaha xD!
  17. Dark elf woman from Lineage II :) The best character ever :D Ok here is too screenshots I just made ;D That's all :D
  18. Oh I was playing Metal Gear Solid on PsX omg it was the best game on PSX it ownz!! Really good story .... and nice gameplay :] 10/10 on that game!
  19. omg that mmorpg looks really kewl the graphics everything No I haven't heard anything but I am gonna search it =]
  20. ZOMFGWTFLMAOROFLCOPPTERZ0R! x0aoaxxa0oxa0oxa0oax0oxa0o0ax ahahahahah!!!!! That's Amazing OMG thanks for it I Laughed my ass Off! omg!! hahahaahahahaha stoika: i fak u familyu stoika: u dog me [OTS]ArchAngel: good luck homo stoika: mai kat is gay [OTS]ArchAngel: you NEVER send us money [OTS]ArchAngel: what ever Mai kat is gay What ever... ahhaahhaah
  21. Lineage ownz of course!!!! OMFG ROFLOLED @ Lineage 2 Video!! ahahahahhaha
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