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Everything posted by DJ_ExTaCy1337

  1. Why not?I can use nMap for this I think... please tell em the program it will help me ;)
  2. To Search every possible password that you choosen so it can find what's the users password... Thats called Bruteforcing... Find the IP With FileEdit on your l2.ini or on Hosts file if you server have...
  3. Bruter, see 2nd post from Mafia I think x) But I dont know I get error it stops after 4 accounts :(! And SQLPing is teh sux I dont know =/
  4. Which program did you used for port scan ??? :D I wanna search my enemys too =) hmmm hmmm :) Kool =]
  5. Ara den perase epitixws to SQL Arxeio... Poio Weapon thes? Dwse link gia to weapon Kai link gia to Pack pou douleueis mporei na min leitourgi ! -.- dn 3erw!
  6. auto akribws eipa kai egw ... -.- ox ox ox pigame sta diskola :/ kala re file me to zory eftia3es ton server thes kai custom NPC?xD! Patas de3i click sto L2jdb meta -> Execute batch file kai karfwneis to .sql h .txt file analogos pos to exei o paiktis p sto edwse ! xD hmmm ti allo? a nai bazeis kai me to L2FileEdit kati grammes se merika arxeia (Gia ta Weapons/Armor/Shields ktl) Tha ta exei mesa ekei p katebases... psaxto ligo monos dn einai tipota to diskolo ;)
  7. No its not Greg, its Gregory xD! Welcome to this site...! uh oh how is it called?^^ Maxcheaters :p
  8. nai, bale se [*/code] xwris to asteraki to data_installer.bat ...!(De3i click Epe3ergasia/Edit) O Warning sou edwse 5.1 version eprepe na pareis tin 5.0 alla tespa gia dwse to installer kai tha s pw! p.s. poio pack xrisimopoihs twra?
  9. L2J ;) MySQL 1)Connection name leave it as you wish, Localhost/linezeus/blabla/hax/lol/gg/qq :p 2) The IP Adress I gave you before "" 3)Port - 3306 4)Username - The username of MySQL Database, Mostly "root" 5)Password - The password that he choosed, ON Noob servers it's "root" or No Password ;) But this is professional server since c3 I think so no shit they know whats on ;) p.s. OK I added u !
  10. Thanks for teh share this shield ownz :O First post! :) Damn man I had this Dragon as a background on my Mobile phone =) Rly cool that u got this idea =)! Have you created with this guide?=] http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=3514.0 Cause if yes I wanna do that too take some pictures from my mobile phone and create shields :D! Kool :)
  11. You have been reported twice u dump! //ontopic se merikous server to attack speed den einai parapanw apo daggera ;) alla kai na einai daggeras me dagger exei kai skill exei kai lethal opote asto file dn prokite na skotoseis tpt ;) ! apla hit se pvp server high rates dn a3izoun :) an exei o allos +30 armor ! :D Paladin den aksizi san char :/ Dark Avenger for life re...! Alla thes to shield gia stun kai ta skill :) Silence, Cancel = Apo tous kaliterous char sto game! :)
  12. OMFG Biggest spammer ever 504 spam posts????!!! SHIT Reported asap!!!!!! //Ontopic hmmm ti pc exeis re c? an exeis kalo pc kai kali sindesi (ellada 24mbps...;/) kati kaneis k etsi... an exeis 1024 kserw gw k kana m0ofa pc dn leei kala ekanes... elpizw na exeis donate gia na ta bgaleis pera :) basika... 500 euro gia poso kairo??! :D //EDIT , oops July 17 sorry omg :X It was just 22 pages of "Today" so I got confused...anyways I reported him thow so ban him up! :@
  13. Yes as I see in his post he asks a guide on how to: I gave him a guide... (I mean find your account* ;/ go to sub-table Access Level and set it too 200...) Sub-tables (I dont know exact name) are like Name | Level | Class | Access Level etc. etc. !:] So he didnt asked a guide on how to bruteforce... :/ To bruteforce just find a passlist.txt and a userlist.txt and start scanning the IP of the server!
  14. 2 fores to patas to f kai enter, sto 3anazitaei nomizw... apla twra den katalavenw giati bgazei ta errors apo panw...!
  15. to problem den vlepw! pata "F" kai to koumpaki Enter bre an8rwpe mou!!! kai meta an sto 3anabgalei 3ana "F" sto telos an bgalei kati gia Update 3i fora pata "N" h "Q" (Analogos gia NO h QUIT dn thymame ti exei) Popo ti exeis kanei to exeis katastrepsei xD
  16. Thanks for teh share! To eixa dei se enan allon server all den thymame ! :$ Kai to ithela =) Nice continue developing websites! :D
  17. Just go to table characters from Navicat, then go to your account and set access level 200 ;) But I am sure that they will understand u :x ! If they see logs or something...! Hey did bruteforce worked for you fast? What the password was? "1" ?xD Lol :p
  18. dwse kana site h tipota re psile...!kana info! Site: www.linezeus.gr Rates: x5 L2off/L2j: L2J Greek L2J x5 Server with the name Zeus ^^ Like 3k+ ppl I think I am not sure but there are a lot :D Max enchant is +16 I think o.O Safe +4... And you can only donate c/b grade =]
  19. I saw the pm, I will add you tommorow I go to sleep right now.... No I cant find this account on teh database...! You can only find usernames in teh database...Passwords are encrypted! But if you connect to DB u can hack everything, make ur account 200 access lvl, delete all accounts, delete all items, delete everything and destroy teh server :D But if admin have backup nothing can be done ;) And they got backup, some ppl exploited on some mobs and they rollbacked teh server and they lost everything!:D They backup server each day! ;) And no sorry but I cant find the password :/ I tried to bruteforce but its boring u must wait a year and I got errors too -.-! You can try this to hack a friends server that u know that he have all ports opened (No router or something) and u can brute him up or if you know the password you can connect remotelly and make ur char GM :) Thats all, sleep time tommorow "Fronthsthrio" -.-
  20. Re file to exw 3anapostarei auto to post me to palio mou account psa3e ligaki prin postareis!!! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=8647.0 Eleos pia!!!! Kai den pisteuw na douleuei akoma einai pampalew ;(
  21. Their website IP is I dont know about their MySQL IP =x Loginserver and gameserver IP is But they maybe host MySQL Files on onother server, I dont know if its possible thow ;]... to take their acc? Lol u wont hack Admins account, u will hack Server's database... But nothing will happen even if you hack them because they keep backup's, trust me I know ;) ! To hack them u need to wait a year with MySQL so it can finds the password, start a scan with a passlist.txt and a userlist.txt [search google] and if it finds the password u will be good, if not gg qq bb :D p.s They need to have 3306 Port opened... So if they dont use remote connection it wont be opened ;)
  22. Yes, maybe he hosts his Lineage server on onother host, and his website to his own pc or to onother host, thats why it maybe got different Adressses :)
  23. It isn't working :( I tried it, I augmented a weapon , after that I equip it, but I lost the stats :(
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