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  1. English clients also will not work, without at least a basic extender to fix opcode differences between KR builds and Global builds, also the fact that KR flat out has different formats for a few packets. And ya..anyone expecting someone to build this DB in even a month, let alone also pass it out for free, is kinda nuts, the sheer amount of things to rebuild, and then all the things that just need to be guessed, as there is no ref from older versions. also LOL at ncsoft, no wonders lag has been a issue on retail servers since ranking was added...really? they hit DB for every single instance of exp gained by every character at a time.
  2. they do not exist publicly
  3. its pointless in H5, raidserver does not function besides for GMs, there is no way to use it with players, without extending in H5
  4. You are missing the GM client, there is another client that connects to the petitionD server and allows the GM to interact with opened petitions, i have only seen the client once, back in postpacific days, so i personally do not still have it.
  5. Even the primeshop is not really "worth" as it is just vanganths crap, thus it will not work for any L2Server unless you extend/patch IBServer send calls....better off just writing something that does not require modified l2server
  6. Disabling nevit is like.. a few nops at most, and pc bang crap is a simple eventdata...you could do these things in like 10 minutes, sounds like hes just trying to scam people.
  7. It is 100% not l2off considering there are basic issues that do not exist even as far back as GF L2off goes
  8. Whops, forgot that GF had a retail auth leak, i never tried it with GD, as i just built a new auth to handle the new packets in these leaks.
  9. None of the premium shit will work unless you have a proper auth that notifies L2Server to actually set someone as premium, and the IBServer binaries have never leaked, though it is not a hard server to emulate at all.
  10. Issue is in GF and earlier servers L2server waits for a response from cached in DB interaction/item consumption before allowing L2Server to apply the spiritshot, as far as i know, You can skip this wait interaction, by forceing the i_spirit_shot skill effect on item use, with an extender to remove this delay.
  11. You need to use the pch id, not the skill ID
  12. because C4 and GF have different shared mem locks...or you spent the time to manually change it, by default? you can not run 2 same chronicle servers at the same time. Also different user's can work, though have not done it myself
  13. 2 L2Server/L2Npc combo's can not run on the same PC at the same time, without VM's, they use shared memory
  14. You can attach via ida, or if its something inside your own code you want to debug, you can attach via visual studio
  15. Yes, on KR the client module runs as far as i know, and pushes updates quite often via the packets, downloading a bunch of .ncl files if i remember right
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