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Θα Σπασω Κουπες

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Everything posted by Θα Σπασω Κουπες

  1. Monkeys who want you to work on a shared high five pack from maxcheaters and pay you for 10 euro. :-[ :-[
  2. You're so cute, i use freya from l2j and is working fine so some custom modification
  3. You're in a greek forum, flaming greeks. Your personality is lower than Metro gipsy boy.
  4. Says the loser who is in a greek forum licking a greek admin's balls day and night. If you were proud of your country you would add it but i guess you're from afganistan so obviously you must hide it MeVsYou plz send this kid back to his hole is the 55th time he insult nation
  5. So basically you download all free templates from sharae and youtube and you sell them here? If you deny this i'll simply laugh for 3.5 hours.
  6. You're just a fucking troll, It's funny how you made the image
  7. Just tell your friend to throw his Frozen shared backdoored pack away :'( It's sad story but is true :'( Simply either he did sql injection which i doubt or it's backdoored :'(
  8. True story, Mevsyou scammed my paypal also. REAL STORY REAL PROOFS 100%
  9. aww such a cute little demev who plays with his little 3d max :'( chop chop Make me a box and apply a heart texture on it and send it at maxtor, then maxtor might ban him :( chop chop
  10. You're sexy & dumb. but i still love you for 2 reasons. 1. You're a insecure bitch who watches pokemon 2. You can take ur money back ez by providing the conversation to the paypal.
  11. deMev is so mad that he forgot its not allowed to post other's photo :'( sad storki demev :'(
  12. Are you idiot? You use blender's software logo for your logo ? https://www.google.gr/search?q=blender+logo&oq=blender+logo&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0l5.1339j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  13. hi baby :'( aww my code gave you error because you're too sexy. No im kidding. Your sql is empty.
  14. Hi is there any client dev who can craft maps?
  15. Don't bother with him. Tried to redirect him to a friend since i dont know php and other stuff and he want full system first and then payment.
  16. Stop posting crap sources :-[ I love you but you encourage noobs to open servers with.
  17. go on L2RaidBossInstance.java add the @override method And inside this add your code or something like that... But consider that you need to add a threadpool or a check to avoid this to be happen on every hit cause is useless flame.
  18. Typicall maxc person who want codes for 5 euro . GL with ur server :-[ :-[ :-[
  19. Friend? You? I just trolled you and elfocrash and you spread more posion than xdem's answers. I don't care what u do or if u defend me i don't need defenders i was always on my own that why i got 9999 chat banned for months. Regarding the ban, maxtor know this, but he is maxtor he don't respond unless the pm's title is "Paysafe ID". Being friendly and no troll doesn't mean you're good person :-[ :-[ All have fake smiles behind PC. Speaking of shares i check ur project guys is 99% ripped shared codes. What you talking about? And whats the java relative to html part? Knowing java automatically mean that u know all high five tags ? You can add me on skype if you want and we talk about java who know and who don't know. Don't bother answer i'm bored :-[ i won't even check it meow PS. let the "goodmorning guys" δεν πειθεις
  20. Wow what a nice way to talk to me. You guys goin from bad to worst. Divas of forum. Did you even realise the "trolling" part? No? Maybe cause you're a shitty personality. Wannabe friends turn into fucking kids. I'm glad i never like you as i knew you're a damn fucking bitch. Thats why i got banned? Rolf i laugh so hard on you. By the time i was helping people in this forum u were 5 years old. Don't forget even the image u have spinning around is because of me ;) gtfo now and ask maxtor why i got banned before u open ur shitty mouth piece of crap It's funny how people after getting some gold member show their real self and spread posion. You troll them and they suddedly start say real things :) #2017PEOPLE
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