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Everything posted by camenomat0

  1. here is what i am saying,retail is not unbalanced between classes because every class has it's advantages/disadvantages skills and every class has it's role in the game,but class power depends on equip/gear/buffs/resist etc.etc.If you have the correct boost(augs/items/talism/gears/all stuff etc.) to your char you are more powered.So how do you expect someone to make balance in such server,since balance is something that depends on skills/buffs/class/gear/equip/armor/weapon stats/SA/ etc. vs opponents skills/buffs/class/gear/equip/armor/weapon stats/SA/ etc. You have to edit these things in order to make a "balanced" gameplay,and this is something most of todays admins cannot do,because they dont even know how retail game works.As for players,no matter how have a server accomplished a good balance,they will always cry and complain for something when their char dies,at pvp or at oly,because they think they know the game,while they know shit about it,not even the full skill list of their class.
  2. at least they don't think that is grocery trader npc for some ng ss. :D
  3. Sorry,but If you expect balance with todays admins wannabes you're already done.95% of them never played retail servers,they don't even know class changes,don't know how character's skills work or affect the game in pvp/pve situations.Yes some may are good coders,devs etc, but they lack of gameplay knowledge.
  4. name a serber's owner who cares for community and says the truth instead of lying. +for community,many cannot still make class change quests :D
  5. cheaters can be punished,but how to stop people who sell black marketing items ? Idk admins can fight that..but still items shouldn't be added in donation shop,since people who have cash would not eben farm
  6. Stilll you cant afford them to sell since they will probably sell for lower prices.Remove items from donate,other than that it looks very good and decent server to choose to play and it would fit in ppl summer time.
  7. np,add a patch so we can try beta phase.
  8. lol sorry but wont download 3gb just to test a beta,add a patch folder.
  9. well,such things happens eberywhere,but still that's only words,when you say things like this it needs proofs or a trusted source o come from etc,until such thing proven those things are just words,truth or not that won't make players decision change,if it's to play or not.
  10. wtf,where is the patch?you only have a 3gb client on download section..
  11. ofc it's like this,since there is no other reason to be a gm,only reasons are donations or corrupt,there is no other reason
  12. but at least gonna be better than most admins advertise since ebery server die hard :D
  13. x25 with no craft and 2k on,man... you won't find any,and if you find it won't have that much online ,anyway..
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