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Everything posted by lFD

  1. thx a lot m8... +1 Gonna try to make some for me :)
  2. That sounds great, i will try it soon.
  3. Nice shield, and great anime...2 bad i can't downaload it...yet :P
  4. Tanks a lot, great share m8.
  5. it works in l2mega.com tanks m8, nice share.
  6. I know...but for retail i must pay to play it, l2j it's free :)
  7. gonna test it
  8. i'v just started in a l2j server that's not 100%...and they are thinking already realising CT2? :(
  9. 10adena = 1$ and blessed S = 1$ WTF?
  10. Welcome :)
  11. My Favourite character is Saggitarius ffrom LineageII...i'll try to upload a pic soon!
  12. Tell me about L2Cosmos..rates, etc etc
  13. PyroMaker = Corrupted BR GM...at least he was in another server where he was the OWNER.
  14. Supremel2 - Nanaki (15x)
  15. Nice guide, i'll try it if i start in another l2 low rate server :p.
  16. probably u need to put the hosts again in C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc ?
  17. Go ahead.
  18. Very nice to ''newbie'' and beginner ppl in this business....2 bad it is not 4 free :(
  19. well, 1st. U can Search to see if there is any post about ut bug. 2nd. Post it on the bug/exploit section. 3rd. U r welcomed to share all with us.
  20. I think that devs are updating, fixing some bugs, etc... go on l2refused forum. :)
  21. It works 100%, thanks for share it.
  22. 100% agree
  23. L2 Refused doesn't suck..it is a really good server.
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