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Everything posted by lFD

  1. that was some years ago, now vG's get wtfpwned on the servers where they played after old l2x.. I'n not going to mention servers, but they know..that they suck.
  2. Why u only talk about vG will join? They will get thei zerg in there, and leave 10% to figh against em? thats ridiculous.
  3. Same with me, i can't read it...but reading the posts from the ppl...me, or any guy with a little of inteligence...know what u need to do to trade aug weapons, w/o reading the post.. But sounds great, to bad the server where i play...doesn't have aug weapons yet.
  4. Supremel2.org - Nanaki 15x 1k Online, nice community.
  5. U forgot the dance - greater resist bow and the song- resist bow....this will not turn archer more powerfull.
  6. Try to open the window Alt+N...and the go to ''declae war'' and write the clan name to who you want to declare war....The other clan need to have at least 15 ppl in clan and/or clan lvl3, and the same to your clan.
  7. The load screen is not that great, but the login screen is awesome, can't wait for it :> Thx for share A-Style
  8. Nice AS, but the DB was awesome...try to make some silver weapons :>.. Well, about the black areas...I dunno :x
  9. Some glows r to shiny, to much colour...But some are amazing, i loved 2 glows from the duals.. :>
  10. Nice job, thx for share!
  11. fantastic..i loved it, i loved..i wanna play with a DB like this one :> Thanks for share and great job Vago.
  12. When i meant IRL i mean... in touchable things, cuz if u donate 400€ by a armor +5...u can't touch it, it's a virtual item.. With 400€ u can buy a laptop for exemple, buy a present to ur girlfriend, etc... :>
  13. With 3k euros i will stop playing l2 for some mounths, and get some BIG holidays :> or Investing the money in something real...not in virtual games :X
  14. very nice, i liked the draconic shield. PS: In the 2nd pic r u using draconic dagger/sword? or something like that xD
  15. i started in C4 ...then C4 servers with C5 files, played Il and CT1 to...and now i'm playing a stable C5 :>
  16. Well, i hear that l2 off is not illegal... if u use a chronic before thereatail one.. Retail is Ct1, so if u have a Interlude server or C5, it is not illegal.
  17. As some guys said in posts before mine, the player made the char work...not the inverse. In L2 i ike summoners, but ofc, all class have thei own function and u need to know what u are doing with the char u r playing on.
  18. That is like the Dinasty crossbow, but in another colour :) Nice work.
  19. Very nice and very usefull..u awnser to some questions that i has :) +1 for A-Style
  20. 1st. I didn't see the date. 2nd. I just installed linux and wanted to play l2, i found this post...and i don't know what ''patches to CVS'' means...i will w8 a awnser from fakoykas. 3rd. I'm not a spammer. 4th. Why is a banable offense bringing up old posts? Prefer that i create a new one?!?!?
  21. what is this patch to CVS? i set the option.ini as u told in ur post, and can't run the game.
  22. This Quest is very usefull for BH cuz the sin eater gets 100% exp :P. Nice tutorial
  23. wow, very nice and it's BIIIGG
  24. Great share m8, ty a lot!!
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