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Everything posted by lFD

  1. that's cool, but if u get only 30 gb's for that....TvT usually gives 20 :X But, nice share.
  2. some nice scripts to my ''cousins'' tanks :)
  3. Nice m8...but, don't u have one/can make one for C5? tanks
  4. That sounds great..but, do u have one for C5? Nice share m8
  5. wow..very nice :)
  6. Can anyone get/change this for C5 ? please :P
  7. Welcome, hope u share ur cheats and exploits with us :)
  8. what does that video have concretly? btw, is it safe..or some virus..etc...?
  9. well, in some server u can just bug the door and go inside,.. but in servers where that is fixed u need to wait until 00:00 (ingame) do /time to check the hours, and then the door will open for 10min ingame (2 real minutes)
  10. i Saw Season 1 , 2 and 3 from Prison Break and i loved!! I liked Heros to :P
  11. star, can u sahre it with us?
  12. great share m8.. tanks alot
  13. gratz nice share m8. <3 DUSK Weapon/Shield :)
  14. i replaced this user.ini in my system folder, and everyteime i run l2.exe i got crtical error.. anyone knows why?
  15. nice share, tanks m8.
  16. MAX Enchant Weapon? MAX Enchant Armor? How about epic boss?
  17. 1707
  18. 1671
  19. 1686
  20. LoOk who is here... I'm The BEST!!!
  21. 1684
  22. 1678
  23. I'm the best, 4ever!
  24. NO, i'm still THE BEST!!
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