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Everything posted by Irelia#1

  1. Where I need to add "echo %TIME%" for time in L2J server gameserver and login .bat console? Just give me some example please. Ty in advance I have this by default but without TIME ... @echo off title Game Server Console :start echo Starting L2J Game Server. echo. java -Xms1536m -Xmx3072m -jar l2jserver.jar REM NOTE: If you have a powerful machine, you could modify/add some extra parameters for performance, like: REM -Xms1536m REM -Xmx3072m REM -XX:+AggressiveOpts REM Use this parameters carefully, some of them could cause abnormal behavior, deadlocks, etc. REM More info here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/vmoptions-jsp-140102.html if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto restart if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error goto end :restart echo. echo Admin Restarted Game Server. echo. goto start :error echo. echo Game Server Terminated Abnormally! echo. :end echo. echo Game Server Terminated. echo. pause
  2. ETA for Lindvior? I will buy premium especially for Lindvior :)
  3. Thank you for share. Lindvior raid is implemented (working or not)? __EDITED: Working only on localhost FFS! Loginserver is working with external IP but Gameserver is not working... (no external IP or hostname. ONLY***)
  4. Thx for share. Town pictures .. ;)
  5. For dedicated homeservers -> Use Linux, configure iptables and add rules for your server ports, buy CISCO router with some kind of firewall on it .. .and GG! :) If you are in datacenter -> just ask for firewall .. and GG :)
  6. If you forgot your passowrd you can change it with phpmyadmin and generate another hash. If you're a freakin' hacker then ... GTFO! :)
  7. LOL! This "mysql_connect" (deprecated). Don't do that.. use PDO instead.
  8. You can do that, just check files for Supressors,Exterminators and Muckrokians in Field of Silence or FoW. .. GL ;)
  9. Great news m8. I'm waiting for this, ty for your interests and if you want some help, I can help you. (My skills: HTML / CSS / PHP / MySQL / PDO / JAVA<beginner) Make it light and free, please. Just let me know when you have something. Ty and GL.
  10. Hard to get one for that new L2J XML based revision :) You need to read that XML files to get RB names ... or create an array in php with all Raidbosses and GrandBosses names then use MySQL query from your DB. (for connection use ONLY PDO) Old php+mysql scripts are not working anymore. GL and HF!
  11. Ty for your work and for share Snehulak. Still working with latest L2J High Five master. You can change Festival adena with Caradine's Letter (item ID 7678 or 7679) ;)
  12. Ty for your share .. Olympiad or TvT restrictions? Or you can .buff anywhere? _EDITED: Found it. return p.isInsideZone(ZoneId.PEACE) && !p.isInCombat() && !p.isInOlympiadMode();
  13. PRO: This is good when you have entire Giran full of vendors. ;) CONS: This is NOT recommended for live servers, lol! You don't know where to add your vendors (as player) CONFUSED! :)
  14. When? Re-opened on 12 april 2016? Nice website and server features. Can you share php files for PvP/PK, Clan and Heroes pages from your website? Ty GL!
  15. 1. Buy a domain FFS! (~9-12$/year) 2. Remove your weird animations and create a decent website for your server. 3. DO NOT close it after 4 weeks or 2 months. 4. Good Luck and Have Fun! ;)
  16. Professional look :) Similar with Microsoft and not a game website design. But GL with your website. Try something like this one ;) https://topg.org/lineage2-private-servers/
  17. Hi everyone, I don't know if this is a request or LF but .. If you can help me with links or files for Lucky Wheel Event for L2J (H5). Thank you in advance and have a nice day!
  18. Mid rate without forum? http://forum.l2mythras.eu/ Connection ProblemsSorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later. I will try again .. later. GL anyway
  19. Because .py scripts are outdated and unsupported for L2J Server. Use only .java scripts.
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