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Everything posted by *-MightyMick-*

  1. How many ppl online at the moment we speak? Community in your site is low enough.
  2. Kali epityxia na exete BnB.Elpizoume epitelous na doume kai na peksoume kt kalo apo apopsi gameplay kai community.Tha anamenoume gia otidipote neotero
  3. Nice news.Keep up,if community number goes around the number was on l2legend would be good one.
  4. No way to find one.Buying latest adrenaline version is the only way you can bot while server protected by smartguard.
  5. Server never started without even a fail warning.RIP my 3 secs for clicking on your web.
  6. Dead community.Bad overall server.Also topic already exist by another user http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/196905-l2jl2flakes/
  7. Server shouldn't even start guys,i already told it before its opened.Waste of time,how can expect people to a server that had null total advertise?
  8. So you're here again?Worths a try i suggest to delete the function and stuck sub servers :P. Anyway me and friends are gonna try this for sure,will wait for news hope your online number won't dissapoint. Good Luck Java!
  9. Nice idea,but idk if anyone stay in a server for 2 weeks. :D Anyway i voted for farm.
  10. Low online,everybody just sitting noone respond on chat on main town,bad server.
  11. He doesn't even has simple guests .Come one dude relax,wait and see when it opens.
  12. Total number of registered users: 19 Newest registered user: mouris Total number of topics: 15 Total number of posts: 48 Currently online: 2 guests, 0 registered users Don't bother even to open it dude.For real server already done. :D
  13. Bad server,completely unbalanced with every bot working.Also patch has virus in it. Q:Why you create customs while you can't even balance server with no customs on it?.
  14. Antharas lair full bug,you pk one player and they can't hit you when on karma saying peacefull zone. Good Bye,almost 3 hours there were more than enough.I almost left my self blind from what i saw.Staff sleeping,well sweet dreams then.
  15. All that noise for 90-110 on...Anyway i will keep playing hope you get more ppl.
  16. Empasi periptwsh to pack den ine lucera ru padws,ka8aro frozen i oxi gemato bugs einai k ine pliris unbalance sa server.Tecpa egw ipa ti gnwmh mou eseis an 8elete pexte s ayton to server
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