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Everything posted by *-MightyMick-*

  1. mayro xrima ine ksekathara,alla aytos pou kanei dona to kanei ikio8elws kai me diki tou protovoulia.
  2. Lol buffs +30 of course shound't exist in npc buffer,i aggre on farm to make 'em,that would be so op,this is for hard farmers and killers and pwnerz :D
  3. well improvement exists ofcourse but i see needs more advertise + same openign date with that gevor venetis massacre.
  4. No mate,i just asked if you joined them.Also if you did it is not my problem,i just asked because i am weird about what happened when because as i told i saw the topic they needed help.i am searching too for smth interesting,i dont care about who is staff,but if i see corrupt or op donas i just alt+f4 and exit :P
  5. won't work,neo has added smartguard lately so it's impossible with a crack version to bypass it,also download 1.71 :D
  6. By latest key for your bot :D . No other way exists,sorry
  7. Server is down?wtf? i can't pass after i press login,says nothing.
  8. mrpro you become gm finally in warfares?no offense but i say that because i saw their topic that they looked for gms and you showed up to join 'em.btw gl from me too,dat server paid a lot and they use great files,i was on on their 50x,but lack of community made us leave.
  9. Good server looked to me,but way to low people playing...good luck tho but for sure needs time.
  10. And this man here wants to open server now?..oh god.
  11. How do we know that keys are still actives and working and how much they last?I mean if i buy a key it may last for less than 30 days,then what will happen?
  12. idk if there is anything with balance+customs although you can try http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/197581-l2j-earthwars/
  13. ++ inform us if such a beta will exist or not.
  14. well,hope too because this thing of taking other names to succeed is really fail.Anyway wish the besst like i always do.may pass for a try.
  15. Good server but with many br retards on it.Same donations as victoryl2.
  16. Has the community number stayed the same from it's g.open date?.Is there enough activity on?
  17. Oops seems like the greatest upcoming corrupt and op dona upcoming projects ;d. Anyway proofs dont need since i think cause anybody now know those 2guys.
  18. Clearly greater features of course as it is said above.Also another event release and promo of the events is a good way to show that you want to make ppl have more actions.btw your releases are great.we wait and see.
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