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Everything posted by *-MightyMick-*

  1. exactly my friend,that last phrase is the meaning i tried to explain too and i agree on that,there is no anymore people who addicted and give their whole body and soul like the old days.SweeTs explained it perfect in his two lines.
  2. It seems good,hope staff to be active and offer players joyful time.Maybe you'll need some more advertise.Good luck.
  3. Hope this too,clean pvp servers are good but almost everyone now is ruined. P.S. Check your inbox messages.
  4. Well buddy,i think every one who played l2 the past decade misses the old gameplay.And it's not exactly that he "misses" it. It's that they want a server with balance,not pay to win(ofc you must have some donations but smart ones),non-corruptions,and ofc smart and active admins who knows to keep their community online number stable every single day.That's why servers close due to low online numbers,because something from the above will happen on just days away from opening or maybe hours.Plus nowadays nobody will stay farming for hours without botting because ofc we all have a real life jobs,studies,etc.and we have grown a lot since the days we played the "old" lineage.Now people would prefer a server with a working bot,since they want to gear up as quick as possible and be active and take part to competitions such as olympiad,sieges,events etc.Like you said above,i would like too join an official files clean mid-rate server,but there is not that much time to get busy with it.Plus if you are intersted to open something serious you must focus on working your server much and focus on advertise too,(you may need to pay to become more popular and more trustful to people).
  5. Don't worry for such things,just continue to work until you reach your purpose,remember that good work brings great results so just keep up working on your thing.It's great to see a new top site since the old ones have nothing special nowadays.
  6. Anyway guys,just relax and try server,most of administrators stole names and nicks for their servers but that has nothing to do with their gameplay or their skills. It's an off files clean mid-rate,wich for me if great and lot of advertise exist have a great potential.
  7. Nothing special at all.Same server pvp java like all the previous ones.Anyway Good Luck may try it since idk who administrate this server.(i mean i hope to meet great and non corrupt staff inside.)
  8. Server is good.bu whats wrong if server is uprotected?you can bot too if you need too ^^
  9. Good to know.keep up working
  10. Oh..sorry i thought it was lineage site.thank you and gl
  11. 67k registered already?.comooon no way dude..just tell a lie with good facts or numbers.lol
  12. I think sicario was already chat banned before some days.They have announced that in his old topic.
  13. Nobody told you will fail.I just wrote what happens to every server as a reply to the previous poster.I just wished you good luck.Also experience and sponsors are bullshits.I wanna see your experience and sponsors if you get around a hundred of ppl.Btw nobody told you'll fail
  14. Dat screen link doesn't work.i want to see this too.
  15. They'll go where the best fit.Lot of servers open these day at end of january,but we all still expect the same results.No matter how many will open they will continue fail over and over and community will cry.Good luck GPlay
  16. Agree on this plus judge people is not a great and its different with judging server.We will all have an opinion about the server but lets try it first.We dont know if is good or bad by just reading a servers preview.
  17. Btw i don't believe that flag counter(in all i servers i don't),but even if i do believe these visitors,19k first flagfor 2 days of advertise are way too much don't you think?
  18. There is no need to find out if he is the old owner,i mean people will understand that when they logo n his server.Anyway
  19. Looks interesting.Great to see ppl working on a new and active top site.this may have potential,gl to your way through it.
  20. What a bumass why to do such thing?just for people to think he is good?lolz
  21. Hmm..you got same off files.?if yes my trust of being off in this one has gone really low.How do you got such a pack too?probably java pack?
  22. 1.99 still works for my cousin.He plays there and he uses to bot all the way to max level andax gear.
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