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Everything posted by FroZeN_S0uL

  1. Can u help me a bit. i downloaded everything but how it works ? :D
  2. i need it too for damage pls :)))
  3. he sell it bro its not free :)
  4. you want money for something you didnt even get wet to make it bro ;) im sorry...better give it free :P
  5. when i start it and login insta illegal action and kicked by gm ;)
  6. does it work on l2 extreme or l2spirit?
  7. ahhah k egw ta idia :p
  8. paidia kalhspera paizei kana bug kana exploit tpt genika ston L2 extreme kserei kaneis ??
  9. :dat: :dat: :dat: +1000000000 :y u no?: :y u no?: :y u no?:
  10. i always bought day boosts...now you open my eyes :happyforever: :dat: ..helpfull guide!
  11. if you are selling PAX Skin codes or mystery skins let me know too ;)
  12. Summoners Name: iFroZeN SouL Level:30 Server:EUNE Good job guys keep it up!!! :forever alone like a boss: :forever alone like a boss:
  13. steile sto email onewaytogl000ry@hotmail.com kai zita to nomizw to exei akoma autos , giwrgos sto onoma .
  14. good luck with server ! :)
  15. polu kala file moy thanks :)
  16. thanks bro cool work!!!!
  17. i cant understand this :/ i cant even download it anyone can help ?
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