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About expll0

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  1. check database - custom_npc and search for achievement npc
  2. You dont add Item with ID 40000 inside etcitemgrp.dat | itemname-e.dat
  3. try this one http://www.mediafire.com/file/g1pbp26extmmo42/Dark_Knight_ByMarcosRochaa.rar/file
  4. you add data in npcgrp? also idTemplate need to be 37001
  5. example: find tattoo of soul (492 ID) - this item is showing 65 P. Def just find in armorgrp 492 ID and in this item find 65 and just remove, and you wont see any pdef.
  6. do manually restart.., its better to restart now, instead of letting them to have that item forever
  7. you should test that item before you put on live, so that doesnt happen with "3k", like i said simple delete and restart server.
  8. delete them and restart server simlple.
  9. go to the databse/items and delete them manually
  10. if they bought that item before you put there <set name="time" val="180" /> their item will stay in inventory forever till you wont delete it.
  11. because they are not like exp runes, put this inside item xml/stats/items and find that item id <set name="time" val="10800" />
  12. maybe you just put id that doesnt exist
  13. here you go: https://mega.nz/file/hYonEQjA#xsGvsIQ1k2tz8E-jSFDmv4X8vG-8G2hy1Oorq-8kAMo
  14. did you tried to put false there, take this skill and also skills from another class, what happens?
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