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Everything posted by Reborn12

  1. http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-eclipse-committers-451/mars1Install this one and dont make this posts about eclipse of you use search you will find a lot of eclipse...
  2. I will Add Here the fixes for Network and Hopzone Network.java -con.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.76"); +con.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); HopZone.java -con.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.76"); +con.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");
  3. I have fixed this and works fine.... i will post this fix on Anarchy's Share..
  4. yes he can...network is now HTTP 2 and dont Supports all browsers..
  5. just open this files and take a pic from your errors...i cant see anythink with close files..
  6. Add a photo from error here...and i think is masteriopack your problem :P
  7. Aporo gt kanete base pack tou galion kau ta dinete xwris na parete lefta..o kosmos zhtaei lefta kai telos kai an douleueis me tetoia pragmata kane ena svn kai na exeis tj apoluto elenxo ekei mesa..den sou edwse ta lefta sou rixtou yn server na min anoiksei pote..
  8. Then you save your targa image you must open your unreal and create..new wyre is editor change this with what you want then in the 3rd line the scheme name...make it and make import your targa save finish...is only 30 seconds... On html side goes name utx and then logos name...examble you make new systexture name reborn and then you would import your image examble name reborn2...on html side would be reborn.reborn2
  9. im trying to learn your java worlds into sources and trust me im working into this sources a lot of hours as i can...but i can offer this topic as a gift for new acis users...learn somethink new and remember old thinks is for me a good idea...that's is the reason for this topic... sorry for bad english...:D
  10. Demensos halt die snautche beschen...pass dich auf mach die scheisse zu und geht uns nicht auf die eier...ich hab kein bock mehr auf dein posts...
  11. when im ready for java coding then of course i will do it but i dont have so much experience about coding addapt and add is ok But i want to help the newbies because i was one :D ..This is more training for me and other peoples will be learn easy from posting here.. :P sorry for the bad english ..!!!
  12. Why not there is people who needs some help like me on start someone had help me and now i will make it too.. :D
  13. I will give a Help to Newbies for L2jaCis projects what you need you can contact with me for what you will be needed... Edit:I will dont open a server for you i will show you the basic for the setup how to edit customs how to add a java code....contact me here or skype...
  14. Junger sag ein wort jetzt...Lock :D jetzt ist weihnachten kannst du ein paar bier trinken....Troll time..
  15. sorry elfo but i would like to say this im leaving in germany and i had some english forgot.. :P
  16. I think this topic must be closed from moderators...because none will say he have right..one game is one game...anyone can play lineage san andreas fifa pro what he want...demensos you must play too san andreas if you dont like lineage.. :D
  17. Du you think you can request somethink like this in this forum?? I dont think so...a lot of ppl works with lineage 2 and the players make some fun with this game...i dont know why is your problem this..did you had drunk some Bier???and then l2 was the problem???
  18. ok what is your problem with Greeks and Retards???if you dont like just do your work...and if you want i can translate this to German...
  19. Just add this and leave a clean line in the end and will be saved..
  20. vasilis.kostidis add me on skype and i will fix it but tomorrow i go to sleep now :D
  21. D:\workspace\aCis_gameserver\build.xml:95: Class not found: javac1.8
  22. I had ussed the retail stats but with some increases but not so much...
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