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Everything posted by Reborn12

  1. i will upload to another site..give me some minutes..Patch is Updated on Facebook Page..
  2. because i like to make a server thats will be online a lot of months and no only 1 week or 2 weeks like all the today servers... thats why..and i dont have time because of work.. 1 Week is not so much time to find and fix what we will find on this server..
  3. i dont have time for 1 week and fixes thats why..
  4. FaceBook:https://www.facebook.com/La2Howl/ WebSite:http://www.la2howl.com/ Forum:http://la2howl.com/Forum/ Events:http://la2howl.com/Forum/index.php?board=5.0 <---SERVER RATES---> •XP:X500 •SP:X500 •PARTYXP:X2 •PARTYSP:X2 •ADENADROP:X10 <---ENCHANT RATES---> •Safe +4 Max +12 Crystal +16 •NORMAL SCROLLS ARMOR/WEAPON SAFE +4 •BLESSED SCROLLS ARMOR/WEAPON +12 75% change enchant decreased each scroll -5% •CRYSTAL SCROLLS ARMOR/WEAPON +16 100% CHANGE •(IF WEAPON FAILED WITH BLESSED WILL RETURN TO +4 SAFE ENCHANT) <---GAMEPLAY LEVEL UP---> •LEVEL 61 WITH START UP SYSTEM:WEAPON/ARMOR/JEWELS A GRADE •START LOCATION LEVEL UP AREA •3RD CLASS QUEST FROM CLASS MANAGER AT GIRAN TOWN •FREE SUB CLASSES TO LVL 80 •NOBLESSE KILLING BARAKIEL WITH PARTY •PVP ANNOUNCE AND REWARD SYSTEM •NO WEIGHT LIMIT •AUTOLEARN SKILLS •AUTO PICK UP •NO AUTO PICK UP ON RAID/GRAND BOSSES •ANTIFEED SYSTEM:PVP-OLYMPIAD •OFFLINE SHOPS •SPAWN PROTECTION 30 SECONDS •PARTY COLOR NAME/TITTLE SYSTEM(PARTY COLOR NAME:GREEN TITTLE:RED) •RAID BOSS ANNOUNCEMENTS WHEN ONE RAID BOSS SPAWN AT THE WORLD <---FARM AREAS---> •PEACE ZONE:FOR NEWBIES •MONASTERY OF SILENCE •KETRA •(DROPS ANCIENT ADENA AND FARM COINS FOR WEAPON/ARMOR S GRADE) •fARM AREA LIFESTONES •PRIMEVAL ISLE WITH KILLING TYRANOSAYROUS(DROPS TOP LS WITH 30% CHANGE 4-5LIFESTONES) •DRAGON VALLEY(MINI BOSSES AREA DROPS:LIFESTONES-BLESSED SCROLLS-VOTE CRYSTALS) <---PVP ZONES---> •PRIMEVAL ISLE •MONASTERY OF SILENCE •BARAKIEL ZONE •GRANDBOSSES ZONES <---SPECIAL ITEMS---> •Retail Tattoos with +5% stats •CLAN LVL 8 •FULL CLAN SKILLS •CLAN REPUTATION 50K •HERO COIN 24H •NOBLESSE STATUS <---NPCS---> •GLOBAL GATEKEEPER •GM SHOP (S GRADE ITEMS WITH FARM COINS AND ANCIENT ADENA) •AUGMENTER NPC •SKILL ENCHANTER •BUFFER(WITHOUT CAT/PONY/RESIST BUFFS) •REBIRTH MANAGER(YOU WILL GO 1 LVL THEN TAKE BUFFS PUT .rebirth and you will teleported at rebirth level up zone) •REBIRTH SKILL TRAINER(You Can Learn Your Rebirth's from This Npc For All Classes) •CUSTOM SUBCLASSMANAGER(One Npc For All Sub Classes) <---COMMANDS---> •.online •.changepassword •.castle •.Repair •.Bossinfo •.Deposit •.Withdraw •.Menu •.Rebirth(only for Rebirth Characters 1 LEVEL) <---GRAND BOSSES---> •Baium •Antharas •Valakas •Queen Ant •Orfen •Core •Frintezza •Zaken •(DROPS:EPIC JEWELS-CRYSTAL SCROLLS-HERO COIN:1 EACH WITH 50% DROP RATE) •(ALL RETAIL LIKE WITH QUEST ITEMS FROM FARMING ANCIENT ADENA) <---RAID BOSSES---> •Barakiel (Noblesse) •Hekaton (Hero Boss) •galaxia(Hero Boss) •Shadith •Varka's Mos •Tayr •Ember •Brakki •(Drops:LIFESTONES TOP-BLESSED SCROLLS-REBIRTH BOOKS-VOTE CRYSTALS) •(Hekaton Boss Drops Hero24h Coins 1-2 Random Drop) •(galaxia Boss Drops Hero24h coins 1-2 Random Drop) <---LIFESTONE RATES---> •High LifeStones:15% Change •Top LifeStones :25% Change <---OLYMPIAD AND SIEGES---> •Weekly Sieges:Saturday And Sunday •Olympiad Heroes:Weekly Period <---EVENTS---> •Deathmatch •Domination •Double Domination •Last MAn Standing •Lucky Chests •Simon Says •Team Vs Team •VIP Team Vs Team •Zombie •Ctf •Russian Roulette •Bomb Fight •Mutant •Battlefield <---REBIRTH SYSTEM---> • Once a player becomes level 80, he can choose to rebirth at the rebirth manager in Giran. • Player will be needed Rebirth Book.you can find them at gmshop with event reward or from Raid bosses drop. •A player who becomes rebirth starts at level 1 again. • when a player becomes level 1 again, he will still keep his items but skills will lost. • Player will be rewarded with book of rebirth for each rebirth. • you can learn rebirth skills at the rebirth trainer in Giran • when player become level 1 suggested take buffs and put .rebirth command.will teleported at Rebirth LvL up zone. • Each player can get a maximum of 3 rebirths.
  5. Just start with imports and check another instances if this needs and you will be addapt this code..
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/112603-section-rules-how-to-sticky-your-topic/Read the Rules...
  7. Exeis kai frozen kai den asxoloume k katholou me frozen..prospathw na skeftw omws an m erthei kamia idea tha s pw :/
  8. He dont say about linux or windows.. :)Google is our friend on this days... http://forum.ragezone.com/f278/guide-install-l2j-linux-127454/ http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/120885-guide-how-to-set-up-your-own-l2j-server-in-linux-based-os/
  9. Exeis paratirisei an sou vgazei kapio error stin consola oso tin anoigeis?
  10. You have forgot how you can set up to your pc too?
  11. 1.Agorase ena kai des posa adena sou pernei...2.allakse to id ton adena me ena allo item... 3.Vale ena allo gm shop kai ksanadokimase.... 4.sto exw pei ksana alt+cntl+delete :P
  12. Just use search on youtube...or google you can make it easy..is only some minutes..
  13. Just check another file package and replace this on..where is located this file?And bro with this sources i suggest you to check about backdoors on voicedcommand handler...if you have bought this from nightwolf...
  14. prospathi o kahmenos na me voithisei alla kati den ton afhnei :P Why Did you have Bought Pop Corns ?? :P
  15. Check on your Photoshop if is background and if is change this to Layer 0...
  16. eseis afou spamarete toso coding den mou mathenete kai emena ligo gt duskoleuomai?? :P kai oso kai na exei apla min asxoliste me to post re paidia apo LF egine Spam Topic :P Edit:Xwris kakia gia kanenan... :P
  17. Egw re paidia exw ena 4gb me 4800+2x2.51 cpu kai den exw kai poli problima apo to na sikwnw server...einai aplo pc kostos itane 100euro...psakse ligo kala prin agoraseis kapio pc..pare ena fthino kai apla na sikwnei i mitriki ligo pragma...p.x vres ena 4gb kai kanto 8gb apla na douleuei me kalo cpu..
  18. You have fucked up there..you must create one localhost only.
  19. I will help you to learn how to compile and make your server for free just pm me here...
  20. This is a reason too but acis now is 356 revision and he have 315 but tryskell should change respawn time :P i think you must lock it sweets...i cant be 24/7 online nothink special for really help what not exists on google...
  21. Edit:I will dont open a server for you i will show you the basic for the setup how to edit customs how to add a java code....contact me here or skype... as i have said i will make this thinks and dont java codes..im not so good with java too..but im trying to learn..now i have no time for all of l2 parts im working a lot of hours to my work... :DBut you are using an old revision.. To my revs server there is random spawn on navicat and config too..for bosses and grand bosses...now for pvps i think needs a check if isnt countable let me think and test somethink when i have time and i go home..
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