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xxdem last won the day on September 4 2019

xxdem had the most liked content!


About xxdem

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  1. did you manage to edit .u files like lineage2creature ?
  2. I am not specific to any tool, just a matter of fact that all HWIDs can now be spoofed at levels bellow user-space (OP's dll) among many other HWID generators out there
  3. bullshit, I am talking about a global ring0 hwid spoofer that is broadly used in l2 the last few months
  4. are you sure? there are tools that adre users use to make global hardware spoofing that NOTHING can detect them, its completely useless to use this unless you want to stop the small percent of noobs
  5. updating your drivers should fix these errors
  6. doesn't matter if you are not making profit, if you want a custom dll to change port and use a dyna ip you gotta pay
  7. esy perases wraia visma?
  8. l2tales trash ia nobody in l2, please gtfo politely and let that name disappear
  9. poly swsta, de xriazete na poume kati allo, emeis to kanoume gia thn kavla oi aloi gia ta liga donate
  10. egw proxoraw kai den ton exw se tipota anagkh, oso tou ksigithika egw de tou ksigithike kai oute tha tou ksigithei kaneis sth zwh tou, meta as erthei edw na diavasei afta p egrapse kai as analogistei an aksize h pipa stous clan leaders gia to pentoxiliaro pou tha vgalei ;)
  11. @Dev an einai kapios pou kserei ti einai to 10% mou, pistepse me einai aftos. exei kai sources aepvp, ti exw grapsei kai akrivws pws kai se poso to exw grapsei to kserei kai to exei pei poly prin apo esena. h ousia einai, pws gia mia duo pipes se clan leader, kai gia 3 4 xiliarika pou tha vgalei an o server tou paei kala exase oxi mono to support apo enan kalo dev alla kai enan paidiko tou filo, de tha pw kati allo. makari na vgalei afta pou thelei na vgalei gia na min to metaniwsei meta
  12. e ti allo na pw sto kathisterimeno, fevgw me 3-0 an kai de mporw na pw oti eniwsa kapio fight epeksa monos mou
  13. mine me tis elpides kai tis atakes 15xronwn paidiwn, egw milaw anoikta den exeis pei tipota
  14. panta pinasmenos
  15. exw paei me panw apo 100 ginekes kai ontws eimai akoma pinasmenos, kalutera na min mo fugei pote afth h pina na min katantisw me to pouli sto xeri san esena agamite
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