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About KingJK

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  1. A very skilled guy, did the job and delivered super fast, you can go without fear 100% malaka boy
  2. The guy is reliable and works seriously and can take off any job very fair prices are honest!
  3. i did exactly that i've been using acis since 2015 and i don't regret anything acis is the best interlude pack to work with today!
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  5. use Stripe Payment and forget the paypal.
  6. this is nocarrier system im use on server l2kiss
  7. Beatiful thanks for share my friend.
  8. The best dev from h5! i have nothing to say about this guy just the best.
  9. since i met him i never regretted it, always giving good support in addition to being a nice and trustworthy buddy and a good developer with affordable prices. gg
  10. GRAND OPENING 10TH OCTOBER 18:00 GMT-1 FOR MORE INFO VISIT OUR WEBSITE Informations Exp : 500xSp : 500xAdena : 500xDrop : 10xTimezone of Server GMT-1 Enchant and Chance Augment Safe Enchant : +4Maximum Enchant : +16Normal Scrolls Rate (Maximum Enchant +12) : 70%Blessed Scrolls Rate (Maximum Enchant +12) : 100%If it fails returns to +4Crystal Scrolls Rate (Maximum Enchant +16) : 40%If it fails returns to +4Top Life Stone Rate : 20%High Life Stone Rate : 10%1 Active + 1 Passive Augment Skill Gameplay Settings Easy Farm | Interlude NO CUSTOMInstant Level 80 / SubclassMax Buff Slot 36+4 | Buff Time 4hNo Weigh Limit | No Clan PenaltyMax Clans on Alliance 3Advanced NPC Buffer with full buffs and counting buff slotsUnique Vote MachineArmor | Weapon Mastery PenaltyBlock-Buff Skill | Retail Skills | Skills working 90%Flawless Geodata & PathnotesMax Subclasses 6 [ Free Subclass & Free proffesion ]Daily PvP player [ Every 24 Hours ]Party Event (Lifestones, Books, Scrolls, Event's)Mass PvP Zone [ x3 Spawns ]Raid / Epic Zone Limit: (18) 2 Partys per Clan/Ally.Party Zone Limit: (27) 3 Partys per Clan/Ally.You can only go to the farm with 1 customer per (PC). Epic Boss Spawn Hours Fixed's Boss Name: Spawn Hours Ant Queen: Daily 19h15 BR | 01h15 GR | 21:15 CV Orfen: Daily 18h40 BR | 00h40 GR | 20:40 CV Core: Daily 18h10 BR | 00h10 GR | 20:10 CV Zaken: Daily 20h00 BR | 02h00 GR | 22:00 CV Frintezza: Every 2 days 20h30 BR | 02h30 GR | 22:30 CV Baium: Every 2 days 20h30 BR | 02h30 GR | 22:30 CV Antharas: Every 3 days 21h00 BR | 03h00 GR | 23:00 CV Valakas: Every 3 days 20h30 BR | 02h30 GR | 22:30 CV Team Vs Team 2 in 2 Hour Tournament Time [ Duration 60 Minute] Cabo Verde: 17:00 | 20:30 | 01:30Brazil/Argentina: 15:00 | 18:30 | 23:30Greece: 21:00 | 00:30 | 05:30 Party Event Time [ Duration 60 minutes ] Cabo Verde: 18:00 | 22:00 | 02:00Brazil/Argentina: 16:00 | 20:00 | 00:00Greece: 22:00 | 02:00 | 06:00 Olympiad Time and Configs Cabo Verde: 20:00 at 02:00Brazil/Argentina: 18:00 at 00:00Greece: 00:00 at 06:00Olympiad Max Enchant Status: +6Olympiad Item: A/S-GradeOlympiad Buffers [ Only basic buffs, Maximum 5 selected buffs ]Olympiad auto skill reuse on every matchOlympiad Minimum fights to become HERO: 9 FightsOlympiad Minimum points to become HERO: 4 Points Siege Period Cabo Verde: 15:00 | 16:00 | 18:00Brazil/Argentina: 13:00 | 14:00 | 16:00Greece: 19:00 | 20:00 | 22:001 in 1Week[ 70 minutes duration ] DON'T MISS THE BEST INTERLUDE MASS PVP SERVER! https://www.l2zerg.com
  11. Trusted and skilled speed guy! Thanks stinky!
  12. here> https://www.sendspace.com/file/60jlhv
  13. cool nice share..
  14. humilde diegão, tmj!
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