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Everything posted by MrPro*

  1. 2 , the admin and the corrupted gm
  2. still remember how the previous mxc server failed within 3-4 days :troll:
  3. first of all this is the first time i said something about your server and i didnt flame i just said the truth you are the one who flamed here by saying "mrfailer bla bla "
  4. who lied ???? here are your own replies saying about corruption and 2 failed times of this project , which is exactly THE SAME with what i said above " 2 times failed and huge corruption " so good luck with you 3rd time ! I am really glad to see that at least few people understood the level of this admin .
  5. at least now people are able to see the level of the admin , good luck with your server
  6. calling me a failer cause you are trying to fool people by saying " new gm team bla bla" while it is exactly same shitty gm team as the 2 previous times that you failed badly and you even said that by your own "we" while we were referring to the previous 2 failed times
  7. even by yourself you admitted that you were in the previous projects too ,so yeah 3rd fail is coming :)
  8. really bad server failed like 2 times and huge corruption
  9. admin of the server is this guy : https://www.facebook.com/stathis.pagalis and he is banned with his other account due to scamming can't understand why he is not banned with this account too , anyway admin is scammer so better avoid such servers
  10. is there any tutorial of how i could change some icon skills to these ones ?
  11. for those who don't know RU language : at the first text he said that today is the start and bla bla here is our ts: ( which i removed for obvious reasons ) after my reply that server will be fully corrupted , his last message was " we will be corrupted too with free 1300 donate coins FROM THE START " so yeah , good luck guys! :D ( of course other clans will be corrupted too :) ) and 1 more :
  12. dont know if this work is 5m-10m for the "professionals" of these forum but i really like what i see , so yeah gj buddy !
  13. + already spoke with few clan leaders and there will be huge corruption in the server ! Don't recommend it at all
  14. Many clans came, many of them tried really hard, many of them did big dickholds but like always we can have only 1 winner :) P.S gj to everyone , keep dickholding
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