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Everything posted by MrPro*

  1. photo says " the team which is not playing in the server ( "bots" can't translate it exactly in English ) will not receive reward for the win But how it is possible not to play in the server and win ? obviously you have to farm a bit and then be online for the event , amazing rule :D
  2. obviously if you buy "high jacking" "advertise" -.-" we click "X" and we still get redirected to your site , this just shows how many people are NOT interested in your server :D
  3. good cp , hope you will find the members you are looking for
  4. it converts your website traffic into likes which means if your website got traffic from europe only then you will receive likes only from europe
  5. so many updates and adrenaline+programming is still working :D
  6. Hello guys i'm searching 1 week now about that texture and i cannot find it anyone can help me ?
  7. GlobalAbuse in LovelyAden vol 2
  8. i got few probs at time if everything goes well i will be back again in 2 days
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