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Everything posted by MrPro*

  1. it happened cause he put donate items that you needed almost a month to farm them
  2. there is no server with more than 1,2k online and this guys is looking for 2k+ lmao...which will be "mid rate" but without craft this is even not called a mid rate
  3. 1on einai mid rate 2on ama phges mesa s kati wres mono 40 lvl kltra bges opws eisai 3on apla google
  4. i will make the start from where can i take the bot ?
  5. I would like to see all of your fps at some epics where are about 100-200 people and then we will see who has toaster and who not :D ( talking for c6 )
  6. frankie is right guys there is no corruption at all KAPPA
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