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Everything posted by `Sanctus

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/191789-register-gameserver-problem/?hl=%2Bcould+%2Bfind+%2Bload+%2Bmain+%2Bclass
  2. Βγάζει ακόμα μεροκάματο μου παν.
  3. No one cares about lol in mxc. 3-4 people simply spamming random things here and nothing more.
  4. Είσαι ένας μικρός θεούλης! Good luck.
  5. Got 2 skins that i wanted with paysafe. Trusted and really fast. P.S: you need to wait 1 day in order to receive the skins.
  6. First of all she didnt attack anyone. She just said someone used to sell them cheaper. If you open ur eyes youll see in the replies that he used to sell with psc He only got chat banned so stop crying , he should got banned for what he said.
  7. LMAO Donator members should be treated specially or smth? All we're saying is that , another member used to sell rps for paysafe cards (FOR GREECE) too but with better prices. Please you make urselfs look silly.
  8. He was selling RPs for paysafe at the start. He is not " a dead member". Think before u try to act badass.
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/195796-sell-cheap-rpriot-points-on-eune-server/
  10. Den mporw re malaka me auta pou lene .
  11. That name... :feelsbadman: Anyway whalecum Giannh
  12. Nah customs are really bad imo. Btw i've noticed here that a new patch is available. So we need to dl the new patch in order to log , or we can do it with the older one?
  13. Back to the point. This npc was randomly spawned during the test , so i decided to take a screen of it cause i found it funny and the rest of em had NoNameNpc on them. :[ I'm waiting for ur reply on this Undersec ;p
  14. During the test i saw this npc with this name.. Will it be like this in live too? ;p
  15. oi moderatoris y u wot? http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/140622-image-converter/ http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/191364-any-gvefanctions-code-or-pack-with-source/
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