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Everything posted by `Sanctus

  1. ela les malakies. Eixa xasei acc prin 2 xronia den iksera oute kan to email pou eixa valei kai m to dwsan mesa se 2 meres. koita skype gamw
  2. Μαλακιες λέει.Κάποιος έκανε ρεπορτ
  3. Μην την πειράζετε ρε τσοπανιδες
  4. Καλωσόρισες Emily.
  5. Oh boy. Let's end this here. First of all , i don't know if anyone of you noticed that here I'm referring to the 'third person' "who reads this", so im trying to cover 'third person's' personal opinions and perspective about the servers thingies. And , as always someone appears to correct things judging BY HIS OWN opinion and perspective . People got different opinions and thoughts over things. - Deal with it. P.S This is not my 100% personal opinion about the server ( it just sums up the things) , be mature for once.
  6. Since i was one of the few who tested the server , all i got to say is that this server really impressed me. First of all , great farming system with a really good late pvp potential. Secondly , due to this farming system , there are plenty things to do , in comparison with other mid-pvp ones , so do not expect a 2-3 days farm server. In conclusion , great mid - pvp server that will keep you entertained with a pretty good balance and smooth farming system.
  7. Fifa became shit after the price ranges in UT but still better than PES
  8. It's been requested several times by moderators and members to add some new sections and nothing ever happened. About games for e.g Hearthstone: A game that most of the time is 3rd in twitch with over 100k views and there is not a single board for it. ( if tho its requested) Counter strike global offensive: Same , theres an old random board about cs from cs 1.6. It got more topics / replies than WoW in here and WoW still has it's own section. (Cs go has same population as LoL) Anyway , as elfo said a year ago.
  9. It's so sad that no one actually replied to this topic. Anyway , Giveaways have been made , and they had no interest at all. Moderators tried their best to bring some attention here , but , as soon as the 'boss' doesnt care , nothing can be made. Maxcheaters will die along with Lineage. That's all.
  10. Κόσμος πεθαίνει κάθε μέρα , ναι , δεκτό. Αυτό που έγινε όμως στην Γαλλία είναι πραγματικά τρομερό. Ο καθένας δείχνει την συμπαράσταση του με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο μπορεί. Η φωτογραφία δεν σατιρίζει μονο αυτά που γίνονται στα social media , αλλα και αυτό που έγινε στην Γαλλία. Για μένα - πραγματικά ντροπή! - σε οποιονδήποτε σατιρίζει τέτοιου είδους πράγματα
  11. Έλα, υπάρχει και όριο. Ξεφτίλα απλά.
  12. He is another wannabe , trying to get some attention. Nothing more , nothing less. Anyway , i'm looking forward for this one. Im searchin' for a server to chill , and this one seems alright.
  13. You're not actually helping when u're saying that those are AP masteries and u've putted AD... At the part i mentioned runes was a typo , my bad. When you referring to AP , you dont base it on melee/attack/ap champs . This mastery page is mentioned to AD , with jungle masteries on Cunning , and Vampirism to Ferocity.
  14. Is this a joke or what? U've putted 5 on fury and Battering Blows on Ferocity and Runic affinity on Cunning for AP runes? Fix them , they are all false. I didn't even bother to check the rest. Edit: Those masteries are more suitable for an AD jungler rather than a AP champ.
  15. you're saying that you got a list of lvl 30 accounts unverified level 30 with over 30k ip on them?
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