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Everything posted by Pamela32

  1. lawl , he must connect with proxy , i dont know exacly but i know what exist and its FREE , so stfu , all retards wanna money many ppl know how u can open many windows guys , just w8.
  2. when LOL started , they ask u where u come from , which game u played , and had option about DOTA 1
  3. kane dwarf gkomena me mikro name :P
  4. if you could create skills , that is cool :)
  5. will some1 help us.. we ask help bcs we cant pay ...
  6. i just see the saint petros to call me at heaven...
  7. well ...all are wrong , u cannot have masteries for *jungle , exist 1387192 jungle champions and every1 is diffrent lawl
  8. I m almost dead .....
  9. waste of time :P + money
  10. The World Of Farming is so cruel .... i m not sure if i can survive :/
  11. always exist a solution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this server opened 2 months u cant farm ...
  12. You havent feelings? pure bad world :( we cant farm anymoreeeeeeeeeeee
  13. Help ussssssssssss we cant farmmmm
  14. Hello every1 if some1 can help me :)
  15. its from america to europe and its low , USA to USE its about 500 down / up
  16. Hello every1 , i rent one pc from Central US , and i have <<little>> not to much u can play normal but i need fix it at all if i can Any ideas? to connect all players to my server without ping?
  17. Send me pm on my FB page https://www.facebook.com/Lineage2customize
  18. This guy try to scam me , HE DINT KNEW HOW TO CREATE x2 skills that of 50 lvl , so he request from me to create that skills with Payments i create his skills and he told me send 1/3 of that skills so i will pay u i send him the client side but he request me and server side so i ditn send him bcs i undestand wht somethign is wrong here (He is greek scam is in our blood ) so i so him that skills via team viewer he propably took a photo and he create by his self thats skills i have proofs of that *scam* so u will play server with his team is unskilled to create 2 passive skills + scamer? good luck with that , i dotn have something else to say about it , i dont care if u believe me
  19. Urgot Jungle mission Completed , uselles on early op late :P
  20. [gr] p katalaksame na bazoume kai sta class masters ta items gt bariounte ta zwa na paroyn apo to shop :P oreos pantos aderfe :P
  21. Hello I sell cheap my servises for you Prices depends what you need , if your request is easy for me i can support you for free I can advise you for free For more information for my servises contact me giwrgos striligas Here is an example of my work in my old private server ! These skills in my live in my old server ! Kamaloka Instances for Interlude Cave Of Trials Only for 3 party members https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=TaZnTIp9cPM Dragon Valey Cave Only for 9 party members Giant`s Cave Only for 9 party members Client Side ~ New Giran ~
  22. lol why so hard coding while he can do it with the easy way LAWL?
  23. u can edit* in one passive skill that all classes have Mp rege the easy way to do it
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