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Everything posted by Pamela32

  1. check the differences of one handed and one two handed
  2. Cheap boost from Bronze 5 to Gold V PM for more infos!
  3. dont waste time for that lawl
  4. for some custom items 15e k
  5. dat R.I.O.T kids :P
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  7. mipos exeis kanei reload ta skills? otan kaneis kati den thumame akribos ola ta toggle kolane ta pedia tha s poun , ektos an aniksis ton server kai to kanei amesos auto tote den kserw logika pirakses kati
  8. Division? an eisia bronze kai bot na bali na pezi kaneis tetio score :P
  9. meta to update sthn soraka den to exw dokimasi tha to kanw twra Mono ranked fisika :P imoun platinum V alla barethika ta rules :P
  10. xaxaxa molis epeksa Kaasadrin Jungle kai kerdisa :P [GR]
  11. [GR] Psaxnw brother gia astamatito trolling Gold Division East*
  12. to basiko einai na s kanoun donate kai gia na gini auto thelei idrota :)
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