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Lineage II Renous

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Everything posted by Lineage II Renous

  1. » Augmentation No limit on active augmentation skills! Chance 12% Kidoosssssssssss
  2. nice russian free site
  3. oxi dn eisai kolitos t
  4. ban some members like xdem and his friends that kidos ruin the forum , let them do party and u will be alone
  5. aderfe ta pedia emathan se java server na pezoun opou ta mbs einai 1 hit min perimenis pola apo autous.
  6. it would be nice to have some1 to work for u
  7. re pakistane vazis links k prp na kanoume register gai na doume ti exeis plaka me kaneis
  8. nc but if all done by l2net why u play then just look your champion play pvp and u watch a <<video>> ?
  9. dont give advises if u dont know :p
  10. they will change name and they will come back :p
  11. frozen pack already have it its based on IP? right?
  12. da f@ck with gold copys
  13. jelous jelus tzilous
  14. can used from any client?
  15. Your site is copy from this server lol i hope you dint pay for this xd http://lineage.ru/
  16. 9023094234232 buffs 12382398 augemnt skills F1 Pro gameplay wtf is this trash
  17. add it at l2 ini
  18. u show u us the 1st video here is an archer that kills every1 means 0 balance that every is some mages u have 90 active and pasive skills wtf is that please //delete it or call kids
  19. i dont care anymore , if u like to buy shared files do it , i m off of this . if u wanna search it and u will find it .
  20. if you search you can find everythign shared at russian forums thats why he sell it becuase ppl dotn know to search there..
  21. relax guys he propably start now to create sites..
  22. selling shared files its not allowed here
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