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xPeNaChO last won the day on February 22 2021

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  1. Thank you Mr.Gold! Finally someone decided to share something a little more "elaborate". Probably some people won't like that you share the secrets behind the "fine-tune" as your list promises. "Waiting for the next chapters ".
  2. @An4rchy Some time ago I had started working with the change of source to protocol 110 as well, but right at the beginning I had to stop for personal reasons and I still don't know when I will be able to return. I hope you are successful in your adaptation.
  3. yes, working
  4. Ready MP.
  5. Try it! public void broadcastStatusUpdate() { // Send StatusUpdate with current HP, MP and CP to this L2PcInstance StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(this); + su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_HP, getMaxHp()); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_HP, (int) getCurrentHp()); + su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_MP, getMaxMp()); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_MP, (int) getCurrentMp()); + su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_CP, getMaxCp()); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_CP, (int) getCurrentCp()); - su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_CP, getMaxCp()); sendPacket(su); + Broadcast.toKnownPlayersInRadius(this, su, 3000); final boolean needCpUpdate = needCpUpdate(352); final boolean needHpUpdate = needHpUpdate(352);
  6. https://gitlab.com/Tryskell/acis_public/-/blob/b5dc16dfe2a3f5b4e16c2744e95685d4b12aab7e/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2PcInstance.java#L3263
  7. @arm4729 https://pastebin.com/tP6UPcDx
  8. Links OFF! Reupload Please!
  9. Yes, I tried to open it with this L2Script, but it’s Error when trying to open it, it seems that it only supports C4 / Interlude.
  10. This GEODATA is not complete, when connecting the L2Server, it generates several missing file logs, I am sharing my geodata, I did it yesterday when I downloaded the project, connected the L2Server without geodata error, the only problem we have now is the superpoint.bin , which is missing code, I tried to create a new one with the Xel Panel, however I was not successful in the compilation. https://mega.nz/file/IcQxSQIY#nWI-iWZ35-V5CtEkJHvrb0AYQSd4o90E0ec4GKukPPU
  11. Thanks for Shared. I will analyze the project, and see if there is any possibility of opening a server with the files.
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