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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. I used microsoft speech engine... and "Microsoft sam" said like 1st option. :D
  2. Hm, editing text on "Color messages" tab in l2 utils? if so, yes, just send your "....\lineage II\system\systemmsg-e.dat" to your friend. I didn't tried on c4.. but it should work like the c5/IL chronicles.
  3. lol they bring a jurassic topic :P @angei: Newest version can be downloaded here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=173183 Up for gracia.
  4. Probablly you´re using multicore cpu. Try this... Load l2, ctrl+alt+del, then load up the task manager, then right click on l2.exe process, go to affinity, then turn off one of the processors for that app.
  5. Dunno why do you want to use walker on a server with x300 rates and less than 30 ppl online/day... Try something with l2phx, since that l2phx is working there(at least, it get packets from server).
  6. Try to delete eula-e.dat from your system folder. And that link isnt working, post direct link, imageshack is bugged lately.
  7. @Request for close some topics http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=34356.0 This is just a scam known by ever1 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15009.0 Avoid spam http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=25947.0 Aint working on DN anymore, no reason to that topic keep open http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=13987.0 Theres are new version for that tool, by Blitztrager
  8. Yeah, its working there without problem... just on fury server that you cannot see the npc buffer and their buffs on you.
  9. Various reason: 1. I like to kill mobs 2. I like to rush for a CH with clan. 3. I like to meet new friends 4. I like to farm :)) 5. I like to pvp with clan 6. Meeting ppl who thinks that 99% of Brazilian are noobs, when they are wrong.
  10. Sad, just 4 guys (incluing me) voted on WC =/ Wc pwnz almost everthing - at least it used to do on c4/c5.. WC can own gladi, if played wisely, I just had problem against pala/da =S I didnt fight any oly match on Interlude yet.
  11. Macro on oly is usefull. Also, if you're melee figther, just spam "Attack" command, you won't loose target - in most of case. Thanks for info =)
  12. c4: New areas, mobs, Imperial tomb and Rift! New skills: (cov, pof, etc) 3rd Job class and coz some c4 server are working 99/100% since c4 files were leaked from ncsoft. C5/Interlude l2off - theres are some stuff missing, skill arent working and or bugged.
  13. Hm some guys add wit dyes ... dunno why :D HE hasnt much or has any skill that uses magic, SR/PR use. SR: Entangle, Elemental heal, etc PR: Hex, Drain, Power break. But remember, (thats what I think =P)adding Wit(casting speed) dye means less Int(m.attack) = less chance to land those skills.
  14. I could easily get hero once time on nanaki(x15) b4 I got banned, as doomcryer, but I was the farmer for my clan >.< Feed is a serious business =]
  15. its fixed and shared on postpacific long time ago. Not working on DN and any other server, maybe you guys have luck in found a server where its still working.
  16. uhm, most of bugs arent working anymore, but this on worked to me whe n I was playing l2max(c4 times): Titled "Safe Enchant +13 98.99%" and belive me, I always tried by this "ritual" :P http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5596.0 and no, its not working anymore.
  17. I thought that Lain was talking about archer's tatics/dmg difference from behind. Dunno why the talking went to daggers. Thanks. You can also try it on l2calc.l2blah.com , Just active: "Combat calculation" on "Turn the form display on or off with these" tab.
  18. Add this: credits to MasterBlaster http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=35279.0
  19. Mhm, draconic is much better than mj, but its not so easily to get on low-rate server as my guide was aimed. But if youre playing high server go on db/draco set.(Probablly you gonna have full buff). hehe, just a little correction: mj doesnt give +4% p.attack, it gives 8% ^_^
  20. l2off / interlude 5000x I'd recommend l2dex - fury server. Nice server for ppl who're willing to try a class that have never tried before, try skill from different class, etc. Has just *few* custom things. edit: few custom things _ol
  21. Hm... with PL set its fine without any dye, but with dye it can be even better. +4str -4 con seems nice, but I personally dont use any dye from 40-61.
  22. I guess: 2x GB(gold bar) = 2x GBs(gold bars)
  23. I hardly will belive on that =\ l2j servers are usually buged, or your server had more ppl than it could handle and it lagged itself.
  24. Low rate servers (x5-x15) More competitivity(is that right spell? :P), more flame, more people devoted rushing epic, ch, castle etc.
  25. Bow and light armor set. _ol :D j/k, hm.. low rate server I play like this: c-grade: *plated set *any bow with cs sa. b-grade: *hm, I usually skip b-set to a-set, but you can use doom/bw, I`d use plated set still. *bop - this is the best weapon that you can ever get on low server _ol. a-grade: *Mj light( this is time for pvp, mj light for stun resist, and u probablly gonna kill much more with PL set, but you`ll die fast withou MJ =P) *Soulbow(Preffer sb, even without sa, coz carnage`s p.attack is almost like BOP, but you still can still do damage using bop) s-grade: *DB focus/mj set owns. Edit: damn I forgot about core ring. +1 acc owns =P core is easy to make anyway.
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