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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. I voted "yes, I tottaly agree" but also, ppl could put in tittle of topic [l2OFF] - [l2j] , as them do in [share] - [bot] - [Guide] Etc etc.
  2. Here goes your answer: No. And It's "being" or "already" fixed in many server.. Good luck.
  3. @h0nz1k: Supremel2 / Nanaki is a good exemple.
  4. @apst: You failed... The Link still working.
  5. Here go.... I found in official website. ftp://l2clientdownload.lineage2.com/ptsconversion/LivetoPTSconversion.zip ftp://l2clientdownload.lineage2.com/liveconversion/PTStoLiveconversion.zip
  6. @aizis: Well, This one is nice to server that has x5 mats amount x1 drop rate, and x5 spoil rate like Supreme ;)
  7. Imho there's no 100% l2j server xD Lastest version of interlude l2j-free/one is lacking some stuff, some words is wrongs etc. They just made the best that them can do.
  8. @Mattrach: Read at first page. Or just read here...
  9. Geez.... why do you need a bug in x10000/x50000 server ? There's no enchant bug... GL.
  10. It isn't a "bug" It's only a little trick to you earn money. As it's a trick... it might works in ct1 and IL.
  11. Bah It's only in some custom server... I mean, some servers l2j haven't any champion mobs. And looks that you play in higher server... it doesn't such useful in low/medium rates..
  12. Ye.... Did you know that I play there ? :p 3 of 4 sucessful attempt.
  13. Hm, it's works on supremel2 :) Well... about ~ 3/4.
  14. @Everythinginbutter: Kill that .dll on l2.exe first using ProcessExplorer.
  15. Geez I can see without post or reply... why "Reply to see?".
  16. Oo God, with 40 bucks you could become a platinium member :)
  17. We can, but we appreciate any kinda of help. Well, there some jokes here in Brazil and No-Idea about how to translate to you understand. Well, for Portuguese speakers... here goes a funny site :) www.useaporradogoogle.com (in english should be: www.usethe-beep-ofgoogle.com, or something like that). And I think that everyone got Googlemania... for exemple.. here goes a simpe version of joke :) Person1: May I ask somet.... Person2: Use the google. Person1: Where do I find ...? Person2: Use the google... Person1: Where can I downl.... Person2: www.usethe-beep-ofgoogle.com. lol Edit: Ops, I Forget, Thanks for guide.
  18. LOL, I liked that :) Arnold would nice to president. Since that he`s popular by act in cinema etc. But will be a problem to pronounce and spell his last name.
  19. @setokaiba: Sorry. I didn`t mean that :-/ Cheer up! Sooner or later you will be there! lol I`m J.K.
  20. Well, was @zquo that ressed this topic. And he said.. "thx", well, maybe he could means "thanks for share" or just for spam, go figure out. Btw, There a new version of l2informer... http://www.imesoft.md/l2informer
  21. Omg @divine1 and @Nahalas... leave him alone. :p But you @setokaiba should listen their words :D
  22. Well, sounds that you play in a pvp server. Imo tallum heavy is the best for duelist. I really don`t know what`s better between Draco/IC. Light your speed is increased and evasion as well. Heavy only gives more p.def. Well, It`s your choice ^^
  23. Welcome Brother. You could make a apresentation here.. :) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=24.0
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