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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. @Sin: "...how do i get the ip og my server?" Easy, loggin in your server, then go to cdm and type netstat -n and try to find a IP with 7777 or 2106.
  2. You`re not alone :) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=16280.0 Well, GodOfAden Says that he got it done. I don`t know where to download. Sorry. ^^
  3. Or maybe you didn`t change host/l2.ini files.
  4. Hm wrong section as well :P Try out www.supremel2.com x5 server. No donation for equips/lvls/adena. Only for quest, noblesse and some other stuff.
  5. Well... 15/32(46,88%) from virustotal.com http://www.virustotal.com/pt/analisis/28be9db8d212b806afea7624f04a4b3c
  6. @sk8inveia: No, it`s fixed. Read the whole of topic to you know. *sigh* in D4rkAngeL666 words... and at same page, btw... and this exploit is fixed, this exploit is from agaust of 2007 and now we stay in 2008 -.-" this exploit is fixed around september of 2007
  7. Just a copy/paste from original topic. This is it. All you'll have to do server-side is add the itemdata.txt lines in your skilldata.txt/itemdata.txt files.
  8. Hm, now I know how peoples change underwears/textures. Thanks for share and useful hint.
  9. Pmfun... http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/soul
  10. @supra: Yes, It`s possible. ~66% each attempt above +4.
  11. @nemecis: lol, I thought that Ant queen wasn`t a raid boss. I mean, It hasn`t raid boss status. it means that you won`t get paralyse/silence.
  12. @lakai: Well, you`re new here :) I don`t play there, but I know that it`s already fixed there(reading topics).
  13. Well, sounds nice, there are not much nobles atm ;) You can count with me.
  14. Hum, are you giving free adena in 7x Oo? Are you a Gm? I think so :p Btw I think it`s l2j. I think that L2off will not allow auto-create accounts.
  15. @cuppacoffee: Wow, I`m glad to know that there`s ac/dc fan :P T.N.T is cool as well.
  16. Well, I think any place with mobs ~24 lvl. Btw, It`s kinda a old bug, and I think it`s already fixed.
  17. @micholes: You could post all in one post only...
  18. In this board.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=51.0 User Incheater
  19. The #1 has been born... He`s Chuck Norris!!! lol :P Now I`m the best!
  20. @Terminator: Dude, not need to reply to see. I could see the contents without any reply.
  21. Wonderful collection! There a sticked post about these links, some of them is dead, so it`ll helps a lot^^
  22. Sorry, but I couldn`t understand any phrase about you wrote. Well, I really don`t know what`s your problem, but try to use lastest revision and try import sql files from old revision to newest. It might works.
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