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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. @w1ck3d: lol no, l2phx is more alive than hlapex. Edit: Also, there`s some server that has protection against l2phx.. That`s all.
  2. @eurotrash420: Here the link :P http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=15417.
  3. Just us ... I think there`s nothing that change enchant collor on server side.
  4. Hm, sounds nice ^^ I gotta test it as well. Thanks for share "Hermano".
  5. Well, seems that it needs l2phx... so, no way to works on Supreme... </3
  6. @eko I smell some hostile in the air...(I`m JK) I`m not a racist to, but I couldn`t just read your post and be in silence. YES... I know that we`re a kinda NOOB, but none is perfect :P And I doubt that there BR`s with ~14 years that plays seriuoly L2.. They preffer to play football istead play L2 or play l2 just in some time. The most ppl what plays viciously is european imho. But what am i saying.. no sense, sorry.(little edit as well). Edit:to - too
  7. Duping itens... using WH and L2phx... That`s all that I know. Edit: Ahh and there a post about using l2w ogg to duping.. I don`t know how it may help you, but.. ^^
  8. I`ve heard that there some hlapex that works on interlude(not sure). And also, l2phx is a good idea... still working at c5 with 3.18 I never tested it on IL sorry.. Btw: Don`t make an another post on Request section, ask to Mod to move to there.
  9. In l2j servers there a "%" to drop demoniac swords... about 0.001 to 1%, I really don`t remeber how many it was on l2joneo/free... Well, all is possible... :P In isogames when that server was c2 or c3 I don`t remeber, you could use harvest and spoil... result: tons of ewc/ewb ;p I think l2j servers newest version are so good that this may not work. Which server did you tested ?
  10. Awesome info, some people may not read all this "short text" but they doesnt knows what they are missing. Well, a question... in fortress there that npc who sell itens... umm... kinda Clan hall Npc... who sell scrol scapes.. etc.. I`m a kinda newbie about kamael, I still playing c5 :P Btw: Who participated on fortress sieges ? how is this? is so funny such castle siege.. or is quick and you must have a clan very very active if you own fortress to protect your fortress always.. I`ve got many questions.. ><
  11. Hm, I didnt get it yet... because ppl who has got karma do dualbox with their chars, they knows which chars names they own. I don`t know how is there in elite, but, I don`t belive that this could scam those people. Think with me... err , hard to explain >< Yes, some people is catch at this "infantile" way ihmo.
  12. Owned LOL! Should be like... umm... "Dupe exploit shared by hachi" imho. :D
  13. >_< I liked "Hidden text" before, when you no needs post to see it... Well, I `ll download it after posting...
  14. Huh??? Which l2w ogg version you use one Radt ? I wanna test it, but I never could use OGG, only IG there. Edit: @Terminator Wow, I remember when you had ~150 post yesterday... :p Now, look at you, 200 posts.. Gratz.
  15. Oh no! >_< I am sorry I didnt wanted to "ressing an old topic" in lightmagik`s words. I just wanted to help that guy. I will check the last post date more carefully. Well, when you want to help someone and you got a opnion/answer about his/her quetions, rarely you check dates imo.
  16. @Terminator T_T we`re talking about reital T_T
  17. @Terminator There no problem in spoil mats as i wrote... you should be able to figure out this... i just wanted to say... Som/am parts is kinda hard.. That`s all.
  18. WalterKiller it may help you ^^ http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14951.0
  19. @Terminator/koloman you even played on reital ??? first to terminator.. som is kinda hm.. hard to get in official imo... or you have to be a nolifer to play 24/7. koloman about manor, well, do you think that another ppl dont know about manor ? @DrayNeX: Well, a full party with bot (if your pc is good) is a nice idea, also.. spoiler+buffer if you wants to spoil mats and sell them or crafter and leave manofacture at night or all day.
  20. Well, I got banned on L2supreme... reason... nick name same as here -.-" Becareful with yours nick names, admin/gm`s of some servers comes here to seek something up in their server :P
  21. I never heard that there something that change enchant collor on server.. I was thought that it `s on client... well, "gracias hermano" for share :) Edit: ... on server SIDE... ofc.
  22. Hum, do a quick english lesson on internet please, if we cannot understand you, we cannot help you.
  23. Hm, sound nice... move to general section, since it isnt only for l2 nor exploit :> Thanks for share!
  24. English please, we`re in english section, not in greek imo.
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