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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. Xaxaxa Great... http://img228.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sdasdov8.jpg
  2. L2j server may have some exploit... but... search exploit to a server x4000 it is funny...
  3. Well, when you try switch users at windows, you get critical, same to me. About link, i searched at orkut, kinda a myspace.
  4. I heard some ppl are doing dual boxing.. now we must know how :> BR's ppl don't want share their knowledge :'(
  5. Adriahu ???? Well, better dont download it... adriahu is a hacker br, he know how to.. hum, dont know the word... like zip virus inside of files and it cannot be detect by any antivirus.. Beware, if you Albert86 found it source at www.orkut.com (a comunity like myspace) better dont download it. Edit: If I be wrong, just ignore me.
  6. Well, i heard in some comunity in BR, they are using virtual machine of microsoft to emule a new machine/OS.. But, there are no tutos and i dont know how to setup it. :S
  7. Dude, I think there no guide for it. You must using always, trying understand tha packets... what does some packets, what does scripts... etc.
  8. IP: Login in your server where you plays ... open cmd and type netstat -n... now, search something with ???:7777 or 2106 I dunno :S
  9. Well, i ever said it is a bug... and on topic is titled.. One more try for enchant exploit :/.
  10. Hum, Bruj4h, I agree with bafomet, but I disagree in something.. There in supremel2, always when you run "sl2.exe", it check if you changed out modify files in system folder. By the way, we need find a way to Bypass this process. Ah, only works "systemsg-e.dat" there.. But I think it is useless :D
  11. No, hlapex is a tool dead.. it do send packets to server... l2brute is a tool to you "steal" "get" as you choice, a pass from another guy.
  12. Well, you cannot say nothing... a warming.. I was doing what you are doing now... quoting ppl who cannot see topics, I got pissed off a topic by "totti" and a mod said to me take care about it. Now, I only post when i can help, giving my opnion or when is really needed. Becarefull to you don't get a ban by this reason.
  13. It means to you too... Btw, it does not worked at Supreme, I spend only d weapons :D ... Btw today had a guys, he was shouting in giran a site with a tuto at internet, but my brother closed my antivirus >.< and I restarted pc, but i did not remember that site... guess what... about ~1h later everyone was buying ewc... >.< It's only happens with me :s
  14. Hum, Nanaki is live since 15 sept, so there i cannot start to seek stuff a grade, i dont play all time, but if i have it, of course i try to craft. Btw, if your server is high rate, you can also find a party and kill rb's. May drop a tit full or a lot of parts.
  15. I dunno, but I belive in powerlvl of dwarf.. Supremel2 dwarf lvl 69, only fail 2/9 avadon circlet/doom plate 60%.
  16. There a sticked topic about it. But, first of all, post which server are you playing.. I mean i is c4/c5/c6 etc.. c4/c5 there tutos about "emulate", now how byass GG I dunno.
  17. Hm, i think there no l2w ogg to c6 servers... btw try search, you'll think samething like me.
  18. Hum, I think no, But i had a Warmisth on l2max (when was c4/l2off) at lvl 77, I've been sucess to craft itens 60%. Btw, in official, ppl craft impportants intens on dwarfs higher lvl. Dunno if it help you.
  19. I think you do not plays Supremel2. Because you do not know anything.. Btw, here we are sharig info and talking about sl2. I think here do not need ppl who wants Posts counts.. Hum, nice hint ^^ But when i tried it, I got critical error about "option.ini", mcrabben7 did thinked this. :s Thx for your opnion. lol.
  20. There a topic about it. But it is already fixed. Kinda... Use SEARCH... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=3510.0
  21. Hum, you have a hand very fast :D Encahnting weapons betewen 2 sec, hard to do. Only My opnion.
  22. Hum, nice tudo, btw are you BR alder from l2wbrasil.com.br ? if yes, it's proves - BR's ppl does not know only play football. :D
  23. I know. But I had nothing to do , so I tested open sl2.exe*supreme" and l2.exe "Another server, low rate). I noticed sl2.exe run a little slower than l2.exe.
  24. There a sticked topic about it. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2153.0
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