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Everything posted by kaguyakun

  1. You can get by a quest... see here. http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=334
  2. Omg... if you plays in a server c5 or c6 go on MAP and "I forgot the name". There will show to you the places where you ca train and the lvl of mobs.
  3. Type "Kamael" in google you will find a lot pics... -.-"
  4. Well done ;) Do not care about their. They are just lazy ppl who wants the hard works from another ppl. :)
  5. Lounar... There no REASON to you spam.. btw... its is not a file where you can download , click, run and play. Here is just "configurations". Just wait... you do not need make 1 post at each ~4 mins.
  6. Out of topic... btw there that way: 1. Make quest to 3 class. 2. Monor System. 3. Ollympiad.
  7. I think his way is it : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=9471.0 Have fun.
  8. Hm, no idead... you can set your keyboard configs... in control painel / keyboard and set your speed to reapet same thing like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" in lower time.
  9. You can plug off you modem or router :) To renew your ip. It take no longer than 1 min.
  10. I think you are asking when x15 will open.. In 1 or 2 weeks, if headdeveloper goes to school, will not open until october. No more lags, you can back :)
  11. A little old topic... Create in : January 30, 2007 Last reply before you in : August 11, 2007 Stop to bring oldest post.
  12. Two posts ? -.-" This post are about use l2walker OGG in l2gold as the title says...
  13. Are you BR or PT ? Batata = Potato in english :) Btw... I think your password is incorrect.
  14. I think is very well in rapidshare, 4share, the files like(hack, bots, etc etc) are delelted from server sometimes. edit: Btw rapidshare is a fast server.
  15. I think it really does not work... Because, Dash is a skill with "~15s" cooldown, (Time of dash) if you will be dead... the cooldown will not desapear... like you have acumem lvl 3 for 20 min, you dies and you have acumem at same time than before.
  16. Another >.> Read what I did said on my post before your post... It is just a "trick".. you need only buff with reflect damage.
  17. Pff, It not matters if your server is c4/c5/interlude... how you can see(I guess).. It you use buff reflecte damage on another person and you hit with summon.. -.-" Read all topic before post.
  18. Lol, pay to Maxbastards and be a Platinium Member, so you will see everthing.
  19. Work if your server has not protection. I did played on l2arena , and worked very well.
  20. Hum, Revenge is now C5, c5 = GameGuard. GameGuard = no walker. I do not know if revenge have GameGuard, but if have, will be complicated to "kill" GG, just emulate, but if emulate, will have protection yet.
  21. Hm if rates are x1, it is very hard to get goods spoil stuff. Crafter just need MP, Soul ou spirit ore and crystals :)
  22. Newbie -.-" It is not to download.. you can see it just clicking on link.
  23. Spam... youtube and google are your best friends..
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